My `sexy statistics' - take it or LV it (2018). IMS Bulletin,
47, No. 8, pg 13. pdf
Growing Pains and Gains in Statistics, the Toronto Way (2018). IMS Bulletin,
47, No. 6, pg 11. pdf
A Contribution to "Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku" (2018). Journal of
Humanistic Mathematics, 8, pg 450. pdf
Review of Perfect Simulation by Mark
Huber (2016).
Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 111, pg 1849-1850. pdf
In Search of a Statistical Culture (2013). IMS Bulletin,
42, No. 2, pg 7. pdf
Idle Hands for Monte Carlo Residents (2011). ISBA Bulletin, 18, No. 3,
pg 16-19.
The Renaissance Statistician (2010). IMS Bulletin, 39, No. 3, pg
The Statistics Debutante's Dilemma (2009). IMS Bulletin, 38, No.
3, pg 3-5. pdf
Rare Event Classification with Weighted Logistic Regression for Identifying Repeating Fast Radio Bursts
(2025). (with Antonio Herrera-Martin et al.) arXiv.
K-Contact Distance for Noisy Nonhomogeneous Spatial Point Data with application to Repeating Fast Radio Burst sources
(2025). (with Amanda Cook et al.) arXiv.
Marked Cox Models for IBNR Claims Count: Continuous and Discretized Approaches with Dirichlet-Driven Reporting Delays
(2025). (with Hassan Abdelrahman, Andrei Badescu and Sheldon Lin) arXiv.
Bivariate temporal dependence via mixtures of rotated copulas
(2025). (with Ruyi Pan and Luis Nieto-Barajas) arXiv.
Perfecting MCMC Sampling: Recipes and Reservations (2025). Handbook of MCMC, 2nd Ed., to appear (with Xiao-Li Meng) arXiv.
Constraining the selection
corrected luminosity function and total pulse count for radio transients (2025). The Astrophysical Journal, to appear. (with Fengqiu Adam Dong, Antonio Herrera-Martin, Ingrid Stairs, Kathryn
Crowter, Gwendolyn M. Eadie, Emmanuel Fonseca, Deborah Good, James W. Mckee,
Bradley W. Meyers and David C. Stenning) pdf.
Detecting stellar flares in photometric data using hidden Markov models
(2025). The Astrophysical Journal, 979, No 2, 1 — 14. (with Arturo Esquivel et al.) pdf.
Copula Modelling of Serially Correlated Multivariate Data with
Hidden Structures (2024). Journal of the
Association, 119, No 548, 2598 — 2609. (with Robert Zimmerman§ and Vianey Leos-Barajas) pdf.
Living on the Edge: Antithetic Sampling on Segments (2024).
Statistical Science, 39, No. 1, 115 — 136. (with Roberto Casarin, Lorenzo Frattarolo§ and Christian P. Robert) pdf
Characterization of direct and/or indirect genetic associations for multiple traits in longitudinal studies of disease progression (2023). Genetics, 225, No. 1, iyad119. (with Myriam Brossard§, Andrew D. Paterson, Osvaldo Espin-Garcia§ and Shelley B. Bull) pdf
Double Happiness: Enhancing the Coupled Gains of L-lag Coupling via Control Variates (2022). Statistica
Sinica, 32, No. 4, 1745 — 1766. (with Xiao-Li Meng) pdf
Reflections on Bayesian Inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (2022). The Canadian Journal of
Statistics, 50, No. 4, 1213 — 1227 (identified as a most downloaded paper of the journal). (with Paul Gustafson and Jeffrey Rosenthal) pdf
Two-phase sample selection strategies for design and analysis in post-genome wide association fine-mapping studies (2021). Statistics in Medicine, 40, 6792 — 6817. (with Osvaldo
and Shelley B. Bull) pdf
The X Factor: A Robust and Powerful
Approach to X-chromosome-Inclusive Whole-genome Association Studies
Genetic Epidemiology, 45, 694-709. (identified as a top cited and top downloaded paper of the journal) (with Bo
Chen§, Lisa Strug
and Lei Sun) pdf
Discussion of Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
with coupling by Yves Atchade, Pierre Jacob and John O'Leary (2020). JRSS-B, 82, No. 3, 578 — 581. (with Xiao-Li Meng) (pdf of Paper, discussion and rejoinder).
Assessing Data Support for the Simplifying Assumption in Bivariate
Copulas (2020). In
Nonparametrics Statistics. Edited by Michele La Rocca, Brunero Liseo and Luigi Salmaso.
(with Evgeny
Levi§). pdf
Bayesian model averaging for the X-chromosome inactivation dilemma in genetic association study (2020). Biostatistics, 21, No. 2, 319 — 335.
(with Bo
and Lei Sun) pdf
Two-Phase Designs for Joint
Quantitative-Trait-Dependent and Genotype-Dependent
Sampling in Post-GWAS Regional Sequencing (2018).
Genetic Epidemiology, 42, 104 — 116. (with Osvaldo
and Shelley B. Bull) pdf
A scalable and efficient covariate selection criterion for mixed effects
regression models with unknown random effects structure (2018).
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis,
117, 154 — 161. (with Thierry Duchesne) pdf
Discussion of:Efficient Metropolis-Hastings Proposal Mechanisms
Bayesian Regression Tree Models by Matthew Pratola (2016).
Bayesian Analysis, 11, No. 3, 935 — 937.
Reihaneh Entezari and Jeff Rosenthal) pdf
Embarassingly Parallel Sequential Markov chain Monte Carlo for Large Sets of Time
Series (2016). Statistics and Its Interface, 9, No. 4, 497 — 508. (with Roberto Casarin and Fabrizio Leisen) pdf
Parameter expanded algorithms for Bayesian latent variable modelling of Genetic
Data (2016). Journal of Computational and
Graphical Statistics, 25, 405 — 425. (with Lizhen
Xu§, Lei
Sun and Andrew Paterson)
pdf and Appendix
Stability of Adversarial Markov chains, with an Application to Adaptive MCMC
Algorithms (2015). Annals of Applied Probability,
25, 3592 — 3623. (with Lawrence Gray,
Krzysztof Latuszynski, Neal Madras, Gareth O. Roberts and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal)
A Note on the Efficiencies of Sampling Strategies in
Two-Stage Bayesian
Regional Fine Mapping of a Quantitative Trait (2014).
Genetic Epidemiology,
38, 599 — 609. (with Zhijian
Chen§ and Shelley Bull).
Bayesian Methods in Fisher's Statistical Genetics World (2014). In
in Action: A Canadian Outlook, Edited by J. Lawless. (with Lei Sun) pdf
Minimum Description Length Principle for Linear Mixed Effects Models
(2014). Statistica
Sinica, 24, 1161 — 1178. (with Li Li§, Fang Yao and Jialin Zou). pdf
Using a Bayesian Latent Variable Approach to Detect
Pleiotropy in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 18 Data (2014). BMC Proceedings, 8, S:77. (with
Lizhen Xu§, Andriy Derkach, Andrew Paterson
and Lei Sun). pdf
Statistical Testing of Covariate Effects in Conditional Copula Models (2013). The Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7, 2822 — 2850. (with Elif
Acar and Fang Yao). pdf
Interacting Multiple Try Algorithms with Different
Proposal Distributions (2013). Statistics
and Computing, 23, No. 2, 185 — 200. (with Roberto Casarin
and Fabrizio Leisen). pdf
In Mixed Company: Bayesian Inference for Bivariate
Conditional Copula Models with Discrete and Continuous Outcomes
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, No. 110, 106 — 120 (in a
special issue of JMVA dedicated to copula models). (with Avideh
Sabeti§). pdf
Two-phase Stratified Sampling Designs for Regional
Sequencing (2012).
Genetic Epidemiology, 36, No. 4, 320 — 332. (with Zhijian
Chen§ and Shelley Bull). pdf
Conditional logistic regression with longitudinal follow up and individual-level
random coefficients: A stable and
efficient two-step estimation method (2011).
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20, No. 3, 767 — 784. (with Thierry Duchesne,
Daniel Fortin and Sophie Baillargeon). pdf. Supplementary
material is available
here. The R package TwoStepCLogit that implements the methods in the paper is available here.
Dependence Calibration in Conditional Copulas: A Nonparametric
Approach (2011). Biometrics, 67, No. 2, 445 — 453. (with
Elif F. Acar§
and Fang Yao).
Bayesian Methods to Overcome the Winner's Curse in Genetic
Studies (2011).
Annals of Applied Statistics, 5, No.1, 201 — 231. (with
Lizhen Xu§ and
Lei Sun). pdf and
Appendix .
Invited Discussion of: Predictive Comparison of Joint
Longitudinal-Survival Modeling:
A Case Study Illustrating Competing Approaches, by Timothy Hanson,
Adam Branscum and Wesley Johnson (2011). Lifetime Data
Analysis , 17, No. 1, 33 — 36. pdf, paper, and
Perfection Within Reach: Exact MCMC Sampling (2011). In
Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Edited by Steve Brooks,
Gelman, Galin Jones and Xiao-Li Meng. (with Xiao-Li Meng). pdf
On the Choice of Parametric Families of Copulas (2008).
and Applications in Statistics , 10, No. 1, 25 — 40.
(with Mariana Craiu) pdf
Choosing the lesser evil: trade-off between false discovery rate and
non-discovery rate (2008).
Statistica Sinica, 18, No. 3, 861 — 879. (with
Lei Sun) pdf
Generalized estimating equations and model selection for
longitudinal conditional logistic regression (2008).
Biometrical Journal, 50, No. 1, 97 — 109. (with Thierry
Duchesne and Daniel Fortin) pdf and
Acceleration of the Multiple-try Metropolis Algorithm using
Antithetic and Stratified sampling (2007). Statistics and Computing,
17, No. 2, 109 — 120. (with Christiane Lemieux) pdf
Stratified False Discovery Control for Large-scale Hypothesis Testing with
Application to
Genome-Wide Association Studies (2006). Genetic
Epidemiology, 30, No. 6, 519 — 530. (with Lei
Sun, Andrew Paterson and Shelley Bull) pdf
Meeting Hausdorff in Monte Carlo: A
Surprising Tour with the Antihype Fractal (2006). Statistica
Sinica , 16, No. 1, 77 — 91. (with Xiao-Li Meng) pdf
Inference for the dependent competing risks model with masked causes
of failure (2006). Lifetime Data
Analysis, 12, No. 1, 21 — 33. (with Benjamin Reiser)
Pattern generation using likelihood
inference for cellular automata
(2006). IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, 15, No. 7, 1718 — 1727. (with
Thomas C.M. Lee) pdf
Model Selection for
the Competing Risks Model With and Without Masking (2005). Technometrics, 47, No. 4, 457 — 467. (with Thomas C.M. Lee) pdf
Multi-process parallel
antithetic coupling for forward and backward Markov chain Monte Carlo
(2005). Annals of Statistics,
33, No. 2, 661 — 697. (with Xiao-Li Meng) pdf
Using EM and Data Augmentation for the competing risks model
(2004). In Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference from an
Incomplete-Data Perspective. Edited by A. Gelman and X.L. Meng,
Wiley. (with Thierry Duchesne) pdf
Inference based on
the EM algorithm for the competing risks model with masked causes of
failure (2004). Biometrika, 91, No. 3, 543 — 558. (with Thierry Duchesne) pdf
Efficient bootstrap resampling (2001).
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A, 3, 3 — 10. pdf
Chance and Fractals (2001).
Chance, 14, 47 — 52. (with Xiao-Li
Meng) pdf
Antithetic coupling for perfect sampling (2001).
In Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science, Policy, and
Official Statistics - Selected Papers from ISBA 2000. Edited by
E. I. George. (with Xiao-Li Meng) pdf
Bayesian reliability estimates in the exponential case. (1999)
Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics , XLIV, 353-359.
Bayesian inference in doubly truncated Laplace distribution. (1996)
Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, XLI, 473-481.