Morning Session: 7:30 - 10:30
- 7:30 -- 7:50 Open Remarks, Organizers
- 7:50 -- 8:30 Zoubin Ghahramani:
Bayesian Learning of Deep Sparse Generative Models.
- 8:30 -- 9:10 Josh Tenenbaum:
Learning Rich Generative Models for Human Cognition.
- 9:10 -- 9:30 Coffee Break.
- 9:30 -- 10:10 Hal Daume III:
Transfer Learning in Language: We've Got a Long Way to Go.
- 10:10 -- 10:30 Kevin Canini:
Modeling Transfer Learning and Taxonomy
Induction with the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
Afternoon Session: 3:30 - 6:30
- 3:30 -- 4:10 Erik Sudderth:
Visual Learning via Topics, Transformations, and Trees.
- 4:10 -- 4:50 Antonio Torralba:
Learning to Detect Rare Objects using Frequent Objects.
- 4:50 -- 5:10 Transfer Learning Challenge.
- 5:10 -- 5:30 Coffee Break.
- 5:30 -- 6:10 Yoshua Bengio:
Deep Learning Generalizing from Related but Out-of-distribution Examples.
- 6:10 -- 6:30 Discussion and Conclusions, Organizers
Accepted Contributions
Deep Generative Models for Bio-sequences
Joseph Bockhorst
Modeling Transfer Learning and Taxonomy Induction with the
Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
Kevin Canini and Tom Griffiths
Coping with New User Problems: Transfer Learning in
Accelerometer-Based Human Activity Recognition
Hirotaka Hachiya,
Masashi Sugiyama, and
Naonori Ueda
Cross-View Transfer Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition
Jing Huang,
Xiaodong Cui, and
Jen-Tzung Chien
Feature-Preserving Embeddings for Topic Transfer
Peter Krafft and
Sridhar Mahadevan
Learning novel visual concepts from few examples
Brenden Lake,
Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and
Josh Tenenbaum
Blind Domain Transfer for Named Entity Recognition using
Generative Latent Topic Models
Ramesh Nallapati,
Mihai Surdeanu, and
Christopher D. Manning
Multitask Learning via Mixture of Linear Subspaces
Piyush Rai and
Hal Daume III
Random guillotine partitions of the Cantor
cube and statistical applications to relational data
Dan Roy and
Yee Whye Teh
Transfer learning via Semi-Supervised Multi-task Gaussian Processes
Grigorios Skolidis and
Guido Sanguinetti
Gated Boltzmann Machine for Recognition under Occlusion
Yichuan Tang
Transferring Learning via Learned Transformations
Christopher Wilson and
Dan Ventura