STA 4273H (Fall 2012): Statistical Machine Learning - Assignments/Project
Assignment/Project Schedule
- Assignment 1: Due Oct 2, 2012, 2pm at start of class.
- Assignment 2: Due Oct 16, 2012, 2pm at start of class.
, and
If you are using Matlab you can load the file using textread command:
[data] = textread('digitstrain.txt','','delimiter',',');
- Assignment 3: Due Nov 9, 2012, 2pm. Slide it under my door in my office
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6002.
, and
- Brief 5-minute presentations of projects will take
place on Nov 20. You need to send me 6-7 slides in pdf formtat describing your project.
Deadline: Sunday Nov 18, 2012. Submit your slides by e-mail:
You should have your name, and project title on the first slide.
- Projects Proposals Due October 30, 2012
Send 1-page
description of the project to me via e-mail:
- Projects due Dec 11
Project info sheet
NIPS style file and example paper for latex
and formatting guide for other packages
Please note that 8 pages is a hard upper limit on length. Do not go over.
Marking Scheme
3 assignments worth 60%.
1 final project worth 40%.
Collaboration Policy
The assignments are to be done by each student individually.
You may discuss the general idea of the questions with anyone you like,
but your discussion may not include the specific answers
to any of the problems.
Late Work
Late assignments/projects are not accepted
except in the case of an official
Student Medical
Certificate or a written (not email) request submitted
at least one week before the due date and approved by the instructor.
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STA 4273H (Fall 2012): Research Topics In Statistical Machine Learning