Regular Weekly Schedule
Currently planned trips:
- Nov 10, 2013, Information-Based Induction Sciences (IBIS), Tokyo, Japan
- Aug 3, JSM, Montreal.
- April 28 to May 4th, Scottsdale, AZ, International Conference on
Learning Representations.
- April 7, 2013, Tutorial at ISBI, San Francisco
- March 18-19, Microsoft Research, Redmond
- Dec 3-8, NIPS, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
- Oct 25, Purdue University
- July 29- Aug 16, Stanford
- July 23-27, Guest Lecture,
IPAM summer school, UCLA.
- June 25 - 29, 2012
ISBA World Meeting, Special Topic Session on Adaptive Monte Carlo, Kyoto, Japan.
- June 16 - 17, 2012
CVPR, Providence, Rhode Island, Deep Learning Tutorial.
- May 31 - June 2, 2012,
International Workshop on
Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis, Montreal.
- May 11, 2012, Guest Lecture for COGS 200: Back propagation 25 years later, UCSD.
- April 21 - 23, 2012,
AIStats, Canary Islands.
- April 16, 2012, NSF Automatic Machine Learning Workshop, Washington D.C.
- March 29 - 30, 2012, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
- March 31 - April 1, 2012
International Workshop on Statistical Machine Learning for Speech Processing,
Kyoto, Japan.
- March 2, 2012, University of Guelph, Seminar
Series in Computational Statistics.
- Feb 24-26, 2012, Calgary.
- December 11-18, 2011, NIPS meeting in Spain
- December 10-11, 2011, NCAP CIFAR meeting in Spain
- December 1-2, 2011, 2011
Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Systems, University of Waterloo.
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Information |
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Teaching |
Professional |
Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Department of Statistics,
University of Toronto, http://www.utstat.toronto.edu/~rsalakhu/