STA2201S01: Applied Statistics II

This page is under construction. I will continue adding to it throughout the course.

Location and Time: Lash Miller Room 157, Thursday 10:10-1:00.

Instructor: Jerry Brunner (

Office Hours: Tuesday, Sid Smith 6026E, 11-1.

Phone: 416-946-7589

Text: Permutation Tests by Good is available at the bookstore. This will be the last topic we cover. Other references will be given thoroughout the term.

Evaluation (Revised): Mark will be based on weekly quizzes and homework assignments. There will be lecture but no quiz on the day of the last class meeting (Thurs April 12th).

The lowest quiz/assignment mark will be dropped. In addition, there will be an optional project that, if you do it, will substitute for your lowest remaining mark or your lowest two remaining marks, whichever will help you more. "Remaining" means remaining after your lowest mark has been dropped.

If the mark on the project is lower than your lowest remaining mark, turning in the project could hurt your mark. It is difficult to imagine this happening unless the project is really awful. Call it a theoretical possibility.

No late work will be accepted and there will be no makeups other than the project.


  1. Assignment 1: Hand in Thursday Jan 18th
  2. Assignment 2: Quiz Thursday Jan 25th
  3. Assignment 3: Quiz Thursday Feb 1st
  4. Assignment 4: Quiz Thursday Feb 8th
  5. Assignment 5: Quiz Thursday March 1st (Revised on Feb 11)
  6. Assignment 6: Quiz Thursday March 8th
  7. Assignment 7: Quiz Thursday March15th
  8. Assignment 8: Quiz or hand in Thursday March 22nd
  9. Assignment 9: Hand in Thursday March 29th


    1. Week One
    2. Week Two
    3. Week Three
    4. Week Four
    5. Week Five: We will look at pages 4-6 of the Week 1 handout
    6. Large sample tests based on CLT
    7. Computer-intensive

    Background Software Handouts: unix, S, SAS. You may find some of these useful if the tools are new to you. You are not expected to bring them to class.

    If you are connecting from a computer not located on campus, you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader (free software) in order to see mathematical text, including the assignments. You can get it from either of these locations; one may be busy.