Educational test
scores and physical measurements for a sample of high school students. This
is a modified subset of data reported in the journal Human
Biology. The reference is
Clark, P. J., Vandenberg, S. G., and Proctor, C. H. (1961), On the
relationship of scores on certain psychological tests with a number of
anthropometric characters and birth order in twins, Human
Biology, 33, 163-180.
The data are used without permission, but I believe they have been
modified enough so that the original copyright no longer applies, and they
can be protected under a Creative Commons license. The variables are
- sex: F or M
- progmat: Progressive matrices (puzzle) score
- reason: Reasoning score
- verbal: Verbal (reading and vocabulary) score
- headlng: Head Length in mm
- headbrd: Head Breadth in mm
- headcir: Head Circumference in mm
- bizyg: Bizygomatic breadth in mm, basically how far apart
the eyes are.
- weight: In pounds
- height: In cm. A farm
co-operative (co-op) is an association of farmers. The co-op can buy
fertilizer and other suppies in large quantities for a lower price, it
often provides a common storage location for harvested crops, and it
arranges sale of farm products in large quantities to grocery store
chains and other food suppliers. Farm co-ops usually have professional
managers, and some do a better job than others.
We have data from a study of farm co-op managers. The variables in the
``latent variable" part of the model are the following, but note that one
of them is assumed observable.
- Knowledge of business principles and products (economics,
fertilizers and chemicals). This is a latent variable measured
by know1 and know2
- Profit-loss orientation (``Tendency to rationally evaluate means
to an economic end"). This is a latent variable measured
by ploss1 and ploss2.
- Job satisfaction. This is a latent variable measured
by sat1 and sat2.
- Formal Education This is an observable variable, assumed to be
measured without error.
- Job performance. This is a latent variable measured
by perf1 and perf2.
The data file has these observable variables in addition to an
identification code for the managers:
- know1: Knowledge measurement 1
- know2: Knowledge measurement 2
- ploss1: Profit-Loss Orientation 1
- ploss2: Profit-Loss Orientation 2
- sat1: Job Satisfaction 1
- sat2: Job Satisfaction 2
- educat: Number of years of formal schooling divided by 6.
- perf1: Job Performance 1
- perf2: Job Performance 2
In this study, the double measurements are obtained by just splitting
questionnaires in two, as in split half reliability.
This is a reconstructed data set based on a covariance matrix in Jorekog
(1978, p. 465). Joreskog got it from Warren, White and Fuller (1974).