STA313 F 2004 Handout 5

Regression with SAS

/* */
options linesize=79 noovp formdlim=' ';
title 'Dwaine Studios Example from Chapter 6 (Section 6.9) of Neter et al';
title2 'Just the defaults';

data portrait;
     infile 'dwaine.dat';
     input kids income sales;
proc reg;
     model sales = kids income;
/*   model DV(s) = IV(s);           */

Here is dwaine.lst

      Dwaine Studios Example from Chapter 6 (Section 6.9) of Neter et al      1
                               Just the defaults
                                              10:43 Wednesday, October 13, 2004

                               The REG Procedure
                                 Model: MODEL1
                          Dependent Variable: sales

                             Analysis of Variance

                                    Sum of           Mean
Source                   DF        Squares         Square    F Value    Pr > F

Model                     2          24015          12008      99.10    <.0001
Error                    18     2180.92741      121.16263
Corrected Total          20          26196

             Root MSE             11.00739    R-Square     0.9167
             Dependent Mean      181.90476    Adj R-Sq     0.9075
             Coeff Var             6.05118

                             Parameter Estimates

                          Parameter       Standard
     Variable     DF       Estimate          Error    t Value    Pr > |t|

     Intercept     1      -68.85707       60.01695      -1.15      0.2663
     kids          1        1.45456        0.21178       6.87      <.0001
     income        1        9.36550        4.06396       2.30      0.0333