STA218 Assignment for Quiz 6

Quiz on Thursday March 8th at the beginning of class

For this quiz, you will be allowed a single 8.5 by 11 one-sided formula sheet and a calculator. So write your formula sheet and use it to do the homework.

In Chapter 7, please read pages 221-231. You are responsible for the following concepts: estimator, point estimator, interval estimator, unbiased estimator. What the book calls the margin of error, we are calling the 95% margin of error, and you're responsibe for the (1-α)100% margin of error for any α between zero and one. The formula in the blue box on page 227 is very general and we won't use it. Instead, you're responsible for the formulas in the blue box on page 228, except we never know σ, so we will always use the sample standard deviation s. You are not responsible for one-sided confidence intervals.

Please do exercises 7.4, 7.10 and 7.12. Also, define the term "unbiased estimator."

Do the assigned problems in preparation for the quiz. They are not to be handed in.