STA218 Assignment 1

Quiz on Thursday Jan. 18 at the beginning of class

Read the preface about Microsoft Excel, but be aware that they are documenting an older version of the software, and the menus have changed. I will show you a contemporary version in class.

Read Chapter 1 and review your lecture notes. You are responsible for the following concepts from Chapter 1: Population, Sample, Descriptive statistics, Inferential statistics. Do Exercises 1.2, 1.3 and 1.7.

Read Pages 12-31 in Chapter 2. You are responsible for the following concepts from Chapter 2: Variable (Quanlitative, Quantitative, Continuous, Discrete), Experimental unit, Pie Chart, Bar Graph (we will make no distinction between bar graphs and histograms), Frequency distribution, Relative frequency distribution, Relative frequency histogram. In this class we will always use precentages rather than relative frequencies. Do Exercises 2.1, 2.2, 2.7 and 2.9.

Here are some questions based on lecture:

  1. Explain why a typical mall intercept study does not yield a true probability sample.
  2. Define the term "simple random sample."
  3. What is the difference between a statified random sample and a quota sample?
  4. Random digit dialing may yield a true probablity sample of phone numbers, but not a true probablity sample of responses. Briefly explain.
  5. Why is non-response such a serious problem in survey sampling?
  6. Give an example of how the phrasing of a survey question might bias an estimate of how many people are might be expected to purchase a new product.
  7. Is it possible to have a variable that is both quantitative and discrete? If yes, give an example; if no, explain why not.
  8. Is it possible to have a variable that is both qualitative and continuous? If yes, give an example; if no, explain why not.

Do the problems in preparation for the quiz. They are not to be handed in.