STA218s07 Computer Assignment 4

Due Thursday March 8th. You will hand it in with your quiz (not before).

First, read Section 6.5 starting on page 210. You will recall that I roughly reproduced Figure 6.10 in class with Excel. This is how close I got, which is good enough. Here are the data in an Excel spreadsheet if you want to use it for practice.

What you should do for this assignment is Exercise 6.32, only you don't have to explain how the chart will be used. They're going to watch the mean radiation level, and if it goes above the Upper Control Limit they are going to call a press conference and say that the situation is under control and the public was never in danger.

Please hand in two printouts, one showing the numbers, and the other showing the formulas. Remember, to display formulas, you hold down the Control key and prees ` (the symbol under the ~). If the numbers and formulas do not correspond, you will receive at most 50% on this assignment. Please staple the sheets together with the top sheet showing the numbers, and write your name and student number clearly on the top sheet.