STA442/2101: Methods of Applied Statistics

University of Toronto, Fall 2017

Lecture: Friday 2:10-5:00 in SS2118.

Note: I do not read my email every day, and the problem tends to get worse as the term progresses. It is much more efficient to talk with me before or after class, or during office hours.

Textbooks: These are available in PDF format free of charge. The texts are mostly for background reading in case you need some review, or you want to go beyond what is covered in lecture.

Topics: Applied linear regression, Random matrices and vectors, Large-sample tools, Model mis-specification, Simulation, Likelihood methods, Logistic regression and other generalized linear models, Permutation tests, Bootstrapping, Analysis of within-cases data using mixed linear and non-linear models.

Prerequisite: For STA442, the prerequisites are STA302 and CSC108 or higher. For STA2101 the prerequisite is a course in linear regression. It is assumed that graduate students also have some computing experience. Note that students without prerequisites may be removed from the course at any time.

Grading: There will be a quiz each week in lecture starting Friday September 15th. There will also be a comprehensive final exam. Graduate and undergraduate students will take the same quizzes and the same final exam.

There will be eleven quizzes. The lowest quiz mark will be dropped. There will be an assignment for each quiz. The knowledge you need to do each quiz is a subset of the knowledge you need to do the corresponding assignment. Some (most) of the assignments include a computer part. You will bring printouts to the quiz and answer questions based on the printouts. Possibly, one of the quiz questions will be to hand in a printout. The non-computer parts of the assignments are just to prepare you for the quizzes; they will never be handed in.

In spite of the official weighting of the final exam, a good performance on the final can save a student from failing the course. For undergraduates, suppose your average including the final exam is a failing mark (less than 50%). If your mark on the final exam is at least 70%, or your mark on the final is at the undergraduate median or above, then you get the minimum passing mark of 50%. For graduate students, suppose your average including the final exam is a failing mark (less than 70%). If your mark on the final exam is at least 80%, or your mark on the final is at the graduate student median or above, then you get the minimum passing mark of 70%.

Policy for missed work:If you miss a quiz, the mark is zero. However, your lowest quiz mark will be dropped. If you miss a quiz with a valid excuse, your mark on the final exam will be substituted for the missing quiz mark.

Academic Honesty: It is an academic offence to present someone else's work as your own, or to allow your work to be copied for this purpose. To repeat: the person who allows her/his work to be copied is equally guilty, and subject to disciplinary action by the university. This principle applies equally to graduate and undergraduate students.

Because the computer parts of the homework assignments are often handed in, this is where problems usually arise. For the computer parts of the homework and the grad student project, the main rule is don't copy, and don't let anyone else copy from you.

For more detail, the latest version of the student handout "How not to Plagiarize" is available at The Academic Regulations of the University are outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic matters, which can be found in the Arts and Science Calendar or on the web at