\documentclass[12pt]{article} %\usepackage{amsbsy} % for \boldsymbol and \pmb %\usepackage{graphicx} % To include pdf files! \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{amsfonts} %\usepackage[colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} % For links \usepackage{fullpage} % Good for US Letter paper \topmargin=-0.75in \textheight=9.5in \usepackage{fancyhdr} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % Otherwise there's a rule under the header \setlength{\headheight}{15.2pt} \fancyhf{} \pagestyle{fancy} \cfoot{Page \thepage {} of 2} % %\pagestyle{empty} % No page numbers \begin{document} %\enlargethispage*{1000 pt} \begin{flushright} Name \underline{\hspace{60mm}} \\ $\,$ \\ Student Number \underline{\hspace{60mm}} \end{flushright} \vspace{5mm} \begin{center} {\Large \textbf{STA 442/2101 F 2012 Quiz 2}}\\ \vspace{1 mm} \end{center} \begin{enumerate} \item (5 points) Let $X_1 , \ldots, X_n$ be a random sample from a Binomial distribution with parameters $3$ and $\theta$. That is, $P(X_i = x_i) = \binom{3}{x_i} \theta^{x_i} (1-\theta)^{3-x_i}$ for $x_i=0,1,2,3$, where $\theta$ is \emph{strictly} between zero and one. Let \begin{displaymath} \widehat{\theta}_n = \frac{1}{3}\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i^2}. \end{displaymath} Is $\widehat{\theta}_n$ a consistent estimator of $\theta$? Answer Yes or No. \textbf{Circle the word Yes or the word No}. Show your work. You may use without proof the fact that if $Y$ is a Binomial random variable with parameters $k$ and $\theta$, $E(Y)=k\theta$ and $Var(Y)= E(Y^2)-[E(Y)]^2 = k\theta(1-\theta)$. \newpage \item (5 points) This is straight from the homework. A polling firm plans to ask a random sample of registered voters in Quebec whether Quebec should separate from Canada and become an independent nation: Yes or No. Suppose we intend to test whether the true percent favouring independence is different from 50\%, and in fact the true percent is 53\%. What is the minimum sample size required to reject the null hypothesis at $\alpha=0.05$ with probability at least 0.80, using a 2-sided $Z_2$ test? Recall that \begin{displaymath} Z_2 = \frac{\sqrt{n}(\overline{Y}-\theta_0)}{\sqrt{\overline{Y}(1-\overline{Y})}} \end{displaymath} \emph{Write the required sample space on this paper, in the space below.} Just write the number and nothing else. \vspace{10mm} \textbf{Please attach your R printout to this quiz paper.} \begin{itemize} \item Please turn in \emph{only} the calculation requested. \item If the calculation is not on a separate sheet, please cross out irrelevant material. \item \textbf{Circle the required sample size on your printout.} \item It would be safest to write your name and student number on the printout you turn in, even though it is attached to the quiz paper. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{document} % State a model next time. \item (2 points) A polling firm asks a random sample of $n$ registered voters in Quebec whether Quebec should separate from Canada and become an independent nation: Yes or No. State a reasonable model for the data. \vspace{25 mm}