SAS Programs for Selecting Sample Size

/************************** **************************/
/*      Finds n needed for significance, for a given proportion of */
/*      remaining variation                                        */

options linesize = 79 pagesize = 200;
data explvar;     /* Can replace alpha, s, p, and a below.   */
   alpha = 0.05;  /* Significance level.                     */
   s = 6;         /* Numerator df = # IVs being tested.      */
   p = 26;        /* There are p beta parameters.            */
   a = .10  ;     /* Proportion of remaining variation after */
                  /* controlling for all other variables.    */

   /* Initializing ... */  pval = 1; n = p+1;
   do until (pval <= alpha);
      F = (n-p)/s * a/(1-a);
      df2 = n-p;
      pval = 1-probf(F,s,df2);
      n = n+1 ;
   /* When finished, n is one too many */
   n = n-1; F = (n-p)/s * a/(1-a); df2 = n-p;
   pval = 1-probf(F,s,df2);

   put ' *********************************************************';
   put ' ';
   put '  For a multiple regression model with ' p 'betas, ';
   put '  testing ' s ' variables controlling for the others,';
   put '  a sample size of ' n 'is needed for significance at the';
   put '  alpha = ' alpha 'level, when the effect explains a = ' a ;
   put '  of the remaining variation after allowing for all other ';
   put '  variables in the model. ';
   put '  F = ' F ',df = (' s ',' df2 '), p = ' pval;
   put ' ';
   put ' *********************************************************';

/************************** ****************************/
/*  Finds proportion of remaining variation needed for significance, */
/*  given sample size n                                              */

options linesize = 79 pagesize = 200;
data explvar;     /* Replace alpha, s, p, and a below.  */
   alpha = 0.05;  /* Significance level.                */
   s = 6;         /* Numerator df = # IVs being tested. */
   p = 26;        /* There are p beta parameters.       */
   n = 120  ;     /* Sample size                        */

   /* Initializing ... */  pval = 1; a = 0; df2 = n-p;
   do until (pval <= alpha);
      F = (n-p)/s * a/(1-a);
      pval = 1-probf(F,s,df2);
      a = a + .001 ;
  /* When finished, a is .001 too much */
   a = a-.001; F = (n-p)/s * a/(1-a); pval = 1-probf(F,s,df2);

   put ' ******************************************************';
   put ' ';
   put '  For a multiple regression model with ' p 'betas, ';
   put '  testing ' s ' variables at significance level ';
   put '  alpha = ' alpha ' controlling for the other variables,';
   put '  and a sample size of ' n', the variables need to explain';
   put '  a = ' a ' of the remaining variation to be significant.';
   put '  F = ' F ', df = (' s ',' df2 '), p = ' pval;
   put '   ';
   put ' *******************************************************';

/*********************** *****************************/
options linesize = 79 pagesize = 200;
data fpower;        /* Replace alpha, s, p, and wantpow below    */
     alpha = 0.05;  /* Significance level                        */
     s = 6;         /* Numerator df = # IVs being tested         */
     p = 26;        /* There are p beta parameters               */
     a = .10  ;     /* Effect size                               */
     wantpow = .80; /* Find n to yield this power.               */
     power = 0; n = p+1; oneminus = 1-alpha; /* Initializing ... */
     do until (power >= wantpow);
        ncp = (n-p)*a/(1-a);
        df2 = n-p;
        power = 1-probf(finv(oneminus,s,df2),s,df2,ncp);
        n = n+1 ;
     n = n-1;
     put ' *********************************************************';
     put '   ';
     put '   For a multiple regression model with ' p 'betas, ';
     put '   testing ' s 'independent variables using alpha = ' alpha ',';
     put '   a sample size of ' n 'is needed';
     put '   in order to have probability ' wantpow 'of rejecting H0';
     put '   for an effect of size a = ' a ;
     put '   ';
     put ' *********************************************************';