
Covariance structure approach on the monkey data

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire (1990)

The Print Procedure


Obs monkey treatment id time score
1 Spank CONTROL 1 2 95
2 Spank CONTROL 1 4 75
3 Spank CONTROL 1 8 80
4 Spank CONTROL 1 12 65
5 Spank CONTROL 1 16 70
6 Chim CONTROL 2 2 85
7 Chim CONTROL 2 4 75
8 Chim CONTROL 2 8 55
9 Chim CONTROL 2 12 75
10 Chim CONTROL 2 16 85

Covariance structure approach on the monkey data

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire (1990)

Unstructured Covariance Matrix

The Mixed Procedure

The Mixed Procedure

Model Information

Model Information
Dependent Variable score
Covariance Structure Unstructured
Subject Effect id
Estimation Method REML
Residual Variance Method None
Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based
Degrees of Freedom Method Between-Within

Class Level Information

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
time 5 2 4 8 12 16


Covariance Parameters 15
Columns in X 18
Columns in Z 0
Subjects 18
Max Obs per Subject 5

Number of Observations

Number of Observations
Number of Observations Read 90
Number of Observations Used 90
Number of Observations Not Used 0

Iteration History

Iteration History
Iteration Evaluations -2 Res Log Like Criterion
0 1 615.76098645  
1 1 606.99648116 0.00000000

Convergence Status

Convergence criteria met.

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1
Row Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
1 109.62 1.1972 -0.2638 5.6006 24.5739
2 1.1972 80.2354 -12.8856 -20.9010 -17.3295
3 -0.2638 -12.8856 102.76 18.9326 -16.3352
4 5.6006 -20.9010 18.9326 97.5649 46.4489
5 24.5739 -17.3295 -16.3352 46.4489 101.14

Covariance Parameter Estimates

Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Subject Estimate
UN(1,1) id 109.62
UN(2,1) id 1.1972
UN(2,2) id 80.2354
UN(3,1) id -0.2638
UN(3,2) id -12.8856
UN(3,3) id 102.76
UN(4,1) id 5.6006
UN(4,2) id -20.9010
UN(4,3) id 18.9326
UN(4,4) id 97.5649
UN(5,1) id 24.5739
UN(5,2) id -17.3295
UN(5,3) id -16.3352
UN(5,4) id 46.4489
UN(5,5) id 101.14

Fit Statistics

Fit Statistics
-2 Res Log Likelihood 607.0
AIC (Smaller is Better) 637.0
AICC (Smaller is Better) 644.5
BIC (Smaller is Better) 650.4

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test
DF Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
14 8.76 0.8458

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 16 8.08 0.0118
time 4 16 0.76 0.5655
treatment*time 4 16 5.07 0.0078

Covariance structure approach on the monkey data

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire (1990)

Compound Symmetry

The Mixed Procedure

The Mixed Procedure

Model Information

Model Information
Dependent Variable score
Covariance Structure Compound Symmetry
Subject Effect id
Estimation Method REML
Residual Variance Method Profile
Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based
Degrees of Freedom Method Between-Within

Class Level Information

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
time 5 2 4 8 12 16


Covariance Parameters 2
Columns in X 18
Columns in Z 0
Subjects 18
Max Obs per Subject 5

Number of Observations

Number of Observations
Number of Observations Read 90
Number of Observations Used 90
Number of Observations Not Used 0

Iteration History

Iteration History
Iteration Evaluations -2 Res Log Like Criterion
0 1 615.76098645  
1 1 615.62879226 0.00000000

Convergence Status

Convergence criteria met.

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1
Row Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
1 98.2630 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038
2 2.9038 98.2630 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038
3 2.9038 2.9038 98.2630 2.9038 2.9038
4 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 98.2630 2.9038
5 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 98.2630

Covariance Parameter Estimates

Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Subject Estimate
CS id 2.9038
Residual   95.3592

Fit Statistics

Fit Statistics
-2 Res Log Likelihood 615.6
AIC (Smaller is Better) 619.6
AICC (Smaller is Better) 619.8
BIC (Smaller is Better) 621.4

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test
DF Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
1 0.13 0.7162

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 16 8.08 0.0118
time 4 64 0.98 0.4227
treatment*time 4 64 5.85 0.0004

Covariance structure approach on the monkey data

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire (1990)

Compound Symmetry

The MEANS Procedure

The Means Procedure

Summary statistics

Analysis Variable : score
combo N Obs Mean
102 7 78.571
104 7 82.143
108 7 70.714
112 7 62.143
116 7 70.000
202 11 62.273
204 11 64.091
208 11 65.455
212 11 72.273
216 11 67.273

Covariance structure approach on the monkey data

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire (1990)

Test treatment effect at each week, and estimate one difference

The Mixed Procedure

The Mixed Procedure


Label Estimate Standard
DF t Value Pr > |t| Alpha Lower Upper
Control16 minus Treated2 7.7273 4.7928 63 1.61 0.1119 0.05 -1.8503 17.3048


Label Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
TreatAtWeek2 1 63 11.56 0.0012
TreatAtWeek4 1 63 14.19 0.0004
TreatAtWeek8 1 63 1.20 0.2766
TreatAtWeek12 1 63 4.47 0.0385
TreatAtWeek16 1 63 0.32 0.5714