STA441S: Methods of Applied Statistics

University of Toronto Mississauga, Winter/Spring 2018

Lecture: Monday 11:10-1:00 and Wednesday 11:10-12:00 in IB 335

Note: Jerry does not read his email every day. It is much more efficient to talk with him before or after class, or during office hours.

Tutorials: Tuesday 10:10-11:00 in DH 2080 and 11:10-12:00 in DH 2070

Text: There is no textbook for this course at the bookstore. A free online text will be available on the course home page. The first few chapters are posted now. Material in the text overlaps with lectures.

Topics: Vocabulary and concepts of data analysis, Review of statistical inference, Introduction to SAS, Review of multiple regression including ummy variables, Interactions, Logistic regression, Extension of logistic regression to more than two response categories, One-factor ANOVA with multiple comparisons, Factorial ANOVA, Power and sample size, Nested designs, Random effects and mixed models, Methods for within-cases (repeated measures, longitudinal) data.

Prerequisites: STA302 or permission of the instructor. Students who lack the prerequisite can be removed at any time unless they receive an explicit waiver in writing or by email from the department.

Grading: Marks will be based on equally weighted weekly quizzes given in tutorial, unannounced pop quizzes given in lecture, and a comprehensive final exam. Percentages are as follows:

      Quizzes in Tutorial 40%
      Pop quizzes in Lecture    10%
      Final Exam 50%

Regular quizzes will be given in tutorial almost every Tuesday starting January 16th. Quiz dates are January 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3 -- for a total of 11 quizzes. The lowest quiz mark will be dropped.

You are not allowed to float between tutorial sections. Pick one and stick to it; drop and add if necessary. If you take a quiz in the wrong section without prior approval from Asal, the mark is zero.

Please note that your quiz papers and any printouts you turn in with the quiz may be scanned or photocopied before they are returned.

There will be an assignment for each regular quiz. The knowledge you need to do each quiz is a subset of the knowledge you need to do the corresponding assignment. Some (most) of the assignments include a computer part. You will bring printouts to the quiz and answer questions based on the printouts. Possibly, one of the quiz questions will be to hand in a printout. The non-computer parts of the assignments are just to prepare you for the quizzes; they will never be handed in.

Pop quizzes will be given in lecture. The number of pop quizzes and their timing is non-random but not known in advance. The pop quizzes will be very easy, and the marking will be generous. Students will not be admitted to the classroom once a pop quiz has started. This means it is pointless to text your friends and tell them to come to class because there is a pop quiz. Missed pop quizzes receive a zero, but the lowest score (one of the zeros, is you have any) will be dropped.

In spite of the weighting scheme, a good performance on the final exam can save a student from failing the course. Suppose your average including the final exam is less than 50%. If your mark on the final exam is at least 70%, or your mark on the final exam is at the class median or above, then you get a mark of 50% for the course. This rule is intended to give hope to students who have messed up on the quizzes, and encourage them to study for the final exam. In the past, very few have been saved this way, because marks on the final exam tend to be lower than the term average.

Policy for missed work: If you miss a regular quiz or pop quiz, the mark is zero. However, your lowest quiz mark of each type will be dropped. If you miss a quiz with a valid excuse, your mark on the final exam (out of 10) will be substituted for the missing quiz mark, and the lowest remaining mark will still be dropped. If you believe you have a valid excuse for missing term work, please see Jerry (not the Asal) during office hours or before or after class.

What is a valid excuse? Here are some guidelines. If you miss a quiz for medical reasons, you must submit a University of Toronto Medical Certificate (not just a note), available at

The certificate must include the statement that you were unable to write the test or quiz for medical reasons. If the certificate does not clearly state that you were unable to function, the excuse will not be accepted. Documentation must show that the physician was consulted on the day of the quiz, or on the next day. A statement merely confirming a report of illness made by the student is not acceptable.

On the other extreme, automotive breakdown or other transportation problems are never valid excuses. If you miss term work because you are taking another class at the same time as this one, that is not a valid excuse. The printer jammed, my dog ate it, etc. fall into the same category. If the University is officially open, weather is a valid excuse only if more than 50% of the class miss the quiz.

Drop Date: The last date to drop this course from your Academic Record and GPA is March 14, 2018.

Academic Honesty: It is an academic offence to present someone else's work as your own, or to allow your work to be copied for this purpose. To repeat: the person who allows her/his work to be copied is equally guilty, and subject to disciplinary action by the university.

The main rule is don't copy, and don't let anyone else copy from you. You are expected to do the work yourself, and then perhaps compare answers after you have done so. A good rule is to never help someone who hasn't started yet. Here are some detailed guidelines.

If this is not clear enough, the latest version of the student handout "How not to Plagiarize" is available at The Academic Regulations of the University are outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic matters, which can be found in the Arts and Science Calendar or on the web at


Accessibility Needs: We are committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course materials, please contact Jerry or Accessibility Services (visit or email as soon as possible.