STA441 Final Exam Information

The information given here applies only to the regular final exam. The deferred exam will be different.

Time and Location

The final exam will be on Friday April 22nd, 1-4 p.m. in IB110.

Jerry's Office Hours for the Final


You will write your answers on the question paper. The exam will be closed book and closed notes. You should bring a calculator (any kind is acceptable unless it has communications capability). Pencil is okay.

In addition to the question paper, you will get a packet of printouts, with the formula sheet on the front cover. You should print the formula sheet and use it when you study for the final exam.

There are 9 questions on 8 pages. The strictly non-SAS part is worth 42 points, and the SAS part (which has some Greek-letter questions) is worth 58 points. Most of the questions have several parts.


You will not write any SAS code on the final exam. Instead, you will answer questions based on my SAS programs and results. There will be five data sets, one of which you have seen before. To prepare for the final exam, familiarize yourself with the data sets and analyze them using methods from the course. Details are given in the Final Assignment.

Quiz solutions

Old final exams

This year we did not do any multivariate linear models (multiple response variables) or log-linear models, so please disregard any old final exam questions on this material.

Historical averages

The 2004 marks are in an obsolete format I can't read any more. The other final exam medians are

More promises