
Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

With psi1 neq psi2, fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Model and Initial Values

The CALIS Procedure

Modeling Specification

Modeling Info

Modeling Information
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
N Records Read 250
N Records Used 250
N Obs 250
Model Type LINEQS
Analysis Covariances

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

With psi1 neq psi2, fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics


Covariance Matrix (DF = 250)
  Y1 Y2
Y1 1.72246 0.96515
Y2 0.96515 2.16043
Determinant 2.789736 Ln 1.025947


Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

With psi1 neq psi2, fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Optimization

Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

Scaling Update of More (1978)

Optimization Problem

Parameter Estimates 4
Functions (Observations) 3

Iteration Start

Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 0.3332353081
Max Abs Gradient Element 1.2287976625 Radius 1.877894481

Iteration History

Iteration   Restarts Function
Max Abs
Lambda Ratio
1 * 0 5 0   0.04251 0.2907 0.2231 1.110 0.669
2 * 0 7 0   0.0000238 0.0425 0.00886 111E-16 0.858
3 * 0 9 0   0 0.000024 0.000023 111E-16 1.005

Iteration Stop

Optimization Results
Iterations 3 Function Calls 12
Jacobian Calls 5 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 0 Max Abs Gradient Element 0.0000226838
Lambda 1.110223E-14 Actual Over Pred Change 1.0046121167
Radius 1.8425156463    
Convergence criterion (GCONV2=0) satisfied.

Note:The Moore-Penrose inverse is used in computing the covariance matrix for parameter estimates.

Note:Covariance matrix for the estimates is not full rank.

Note:The variance of some parameter estimates is zero or some parameter estimates are linearly related to other parameter estimates as shown in the following equations:

Linear Dependence

beta2 = 0.367032 + 1.621439 * beta1

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

With psi1 neq psi2, fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation


Fit Summary

Fit Summary
WARNING: Indices for models with negative
degrees of freedom may not be interpretable.
Modeling Info Number of Observations 250
  Number of Variables 2
  Number of Moments 3
  Number of Parameters 4
  Number of Active Constraints 0
  Baseline Model Function Value 0.2881
  Baseline Model Chi-Square 72.0287
  Baseline Model Chi-Square DF 1
  Pr > Baseline Model Chi-Square <.0001
Absolute Index Fit Function 0.0000
  Chi-Square 0.0000
  Chi-Square DF -1
  Pr > Chi-Square .
  Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty .
  Hoelter Critical N .
  Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) 0.0000
  Standardized RMR (SRMR) 0.0000
  Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) 1.0000
Parsimony Index Adjusted GFI (AGFI) .
  Parsimonious GFI -1.0000
  RMSEA Estimate .
  Probability of Close Fit .
  ECVI Estimate 0.0243
  ECVI Lower 90% Confidence Limit .
  ECVI Upper 90% Confidence Limit .
  Akaike Information Criterion 8.0000
  Bozdogan CAIC 26.0858
  Schwarz Bayesian Criterion 22.0858
  McDonald Centrality 0.9980
Incremental Index Bentler Comparative Fit Index 0.9859
  Bentler-Bonett NFI 1.0000
  Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Index .
  Bollen Normed Index Rho1 .
  Bollen Non-normed Index Delta2 0.9863
  James et al. Parsimonious NFI -1.0000

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

With psi1 neq psi2, fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Predicted Covariances

Predicted Covariances
  Y1 Y2
Y1 1.72249 0.96518
Y2 0.96518 2.16046
Determinant 2.789785 Ln 1.025964

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

With psi1 neq psi2, fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

ML Estimation


Linear Equations
Y1 =   0.3417 (**) F1 + 0.9211 (**) F2 + 1.0000   epsilon1
Y2 =   0.3417 (**) F1 + 0.9211 (**) F2 + 1.0000   epsilon2

Linear Effects

Effects in Linear Equations
Variable Predictor Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Y1 F1 beta1 0.34171 0.02415 14.1496 <.0001
Y1 F2 beta2 0.92109 0.06510 14.1496 <.0001
Y2 F1 beta1 0.34171 0.02415 14.1496 <.0001
Y2 F2 beta2 0.92109 0.06510 14.1496 <.0001

Variance Parms

Estimates for Variances of Exogenous Variables
Variable Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Error epsilon1 psi1 0.75731 0.12549 6.0349 <.0001
  epsilon2 psi2 1.19528 0.15030 7.9529 <.0001
Latent F1   1.00000      
  F2   1.00000      

Covariance Parms

Covariances Among Exogenous Variables
Var1 Var2 Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
F1 F2 0      

Sq. Mult. Correlations

Squared Multiple Correlations
Variable Error Variance Total Variance R-Square
Y1 0.75731 1.72249 0.5603
Y2 1.19528 2.16046 0.4467

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Passes parameter count rule with psi1=psi1=psi

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Model and Initial Values

The CALIS Procedure

Modeling Specification

Modeling Info

Modeling Information
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
N Records Read 250
N Records Used 250
N Obs 250
Model Type LINEQS
Analysis Covariances

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Passes parameter count rule with psi1=psi1=psi

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics


Covariance Matrix (DF = 250)
  Y1 Y2
Y1 1.72246 0.96515
Y2 0.96515 2.16043
Determinant 2.789736 Ln 1.025947


Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Passes parameter count rule with psi1=psi1=psi

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Optimization

Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

Scaling Update of More (1978)

Optimization Problem

Parameter Estimates 3
Functions (Observations) 3

Iteration Start

Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 0.3332353081
Max Abs Gradient Element 2.1047853132 Radius 4.4055158095

Iteration History

Iteration   Restarts Function
Max Abs
Lambda Ratio
1 * 0 6 0   0.08867 0.2446 0.4874 1.181 0.680
2 * 0 8 0   0.01726 0.0714 0.0245 111E-16 0.848
3 * 0 10 0   0.01704 0.000217 0.000199 111E-16 1.014
4 * 0 12 0   0.01704 1.398E-8 4.379E-6 111E-16 1.000

Iteration Stop

Optimization Results
Iterations 4 Function Calls 15
Jacobian Calls 6 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 0.017043464 Max Abs Gradient Element 4.3789451E-6
Lambda 1.110223E-14 Actual Over Pred Change 0.9996298357
Radius 3.6478775864    
Convergence criterion (ABSGCONV=0.00001) satisfied.

Note:The Moore-Penrose inverse is used in computing the covariance matrix for parameter estimates.

Note:Covariance matrix for the estimates is not full rank.

Note:The variance of some parameter estimates is zero or some parameter estimates are linearly related to other parameter estimates as shown in the following equations:

Linear Dependence

beta2 = 0.257970 + 1.318141 * beta1

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Passes parameter count rule with psi1=psi1=psi

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation


Fit Summary

Fit Summary
Modeling Info Number of Observations 250
  Number of Variables 2
  Number of Moments 3
  Number of Parameters 3
  Number of Active Constraints 0
  Baseline Model Function Value 0.2881
  Baseline Model Chi-Square 72.0287
  Baseline Model Chi-Square DF 1
  Pr > Baseline Model Chi-Square <.0001
Absolute Index Fit Function 0.0170
  Chi-Square 4.2609
  Chi-Square DF 0
  Pr > Chi-Square .
  Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty .
  Hoelter Critical N .
  Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) 0.1788
  Standardized RMR (SRMR) 0.0939
  Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) 0.9834
Parsimony Index Adjusted GFI (AGFI) .
  Parsimonious GFI 0.0000
  RMSEA Estimate .
  Probability of Close Fit .
  ECVI Estimate 0.0243
  ECVI Lower 90% Confidence Limit .
  ECVI Upper 90% Confidence Limit .
  Akaike Information Criterion 10.2609
  Bozdogan CAIC 23.8252
  Schwarz Bayesian Criterion 20.8252
  McDonald Centrality 0.9915
Incremental Index Bentler Comparative Fit Index 0.9400
  Bentler-Bonett NFI 0.9408
  Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Index .
  Bollen Normed Index Rho1 .
  Bollen Non-normed Index Delta2 0.9408
  James et al. Parsimonious NFI 0.0000

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Passes parameter count rule with psi1=psi1=psi

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Predicted Covariances

Predicted Covariances
  Y1 Y2
Y1 1.94145 0.96516
Y2 0.96516 1.94145
Determinant 2.837700 Ln 1.042994

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Passes parameter count rule with psi1=psi1=psi

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

ML Estimation


Linear Equations
Y1 =   0.4620 (**) F1 + 0.8670 (**) F2 + 1.0000   epsilon1
Y2 =   0.4620 (**) F1 + 0.8670 (**) F2 + 1.0000   epsilon2

Linear Effects

Effects in Linear Equations
Variable Predictor Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Y1 F1 beta1 0.46203 0.03282 14.0772 <.0001
Y1 F2 beta2 0.86700 0.06159 14.0772 <.0001
Y2 F1 beta1 0.46203 0.03282 14.0772 <.0001
Y2 F2 beta2 0.86700 0.06159 14.0772 <.0001

Variance Parms

Estimates for Variances of Exogenous Variables
Variable Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Error epsilon1 psi 0.97629 0.08732 11.1803 <.0001
  epsilon2 psi 0.97629 0.08732 11.1803 <.0001
Latent F1   1.00000      
  F2   1.00000      

Covariance Parms

Covariances Among Exogenous Variables
Var1 Var2 Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
F1 F2 0      

Sq. Mult. Correlations

Squared Multiple Correlations
Variable Error Variance Total Variance R-Square
Y1 0.97629 1.94145 0.4971
Y2 0.97629 1.94145 0.4971

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Psi1 neq psi2 again, start at beta1 = -0.9824205, beta2=0

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Model and Initial Values

The CALIS Procedure

Modeling Specification

Modeling Info

Modeling Information
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
N Records Read 250
N Records Used 250
N Obs 250
Model Type LINEQS
Analysis Covariances

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Psi1 neq psi2 again, start at beta1 = -0.9824205, beta2=0

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics


Covariance Matrix (DF = 250)
  Y1 Y2
Y1 1.72246 0.96515
Y2 0.96515 2.16043
Determinant 2.789736 Ln 1.025947


Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Psi1 neq psi2 again, start at beta1 = -0.9824205, beta2=0

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Optimization

Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

Scaling Update of More (1978)

Optimization Problem

Parameter Estimates 4
Functions (Observations) 3

Iteration Start

Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 0
Max Abs Gradient Element 2.436141E-6 Radius 1

Iteration Stop

Optimization Results
Iterations 0 Function Calls 4
Jacobian Calls 1 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 0 Max Abs Gradient Element 2.436141E-6
Lambda 0 Actual Over Pred Change 0
Radius 1    
Convergence criterion (ABSGCONV=0.00001) satisfied.

Note:The Moore-Penrose inverse is used in computing the covariance matrix for parameter estimates.

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Psi1 neq psi2 again, start at beta1 = -0.9824205, beta2=0

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation


Fit Summary

Fit Summary
WARNING: Indices for models with negative
degrees of freedom may not be interpretable.
Modeling Info Number of Observations 250
  Number of Variables 2
  Number of Moments 3
  Number of Parameters 4
  Number of Active Constraints 0
  Baseline Model Function Value 0.2881
  Baseline Model Chi-Square 72.0287
  Baseline Model Chi-Square DF 1
  Pr > Baseline Model Chi-Square <.0001
Absolute Index Fit Function 0.0000
  Chi-Square 0.0000
  Chi-Square DF -1
  Pr > Chi-Square .
  Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty .
  Hoelter Critical N .
  Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) 0.0000
  Standardized RMR (SRMR) 0.0000
  Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) 1.0000
Parsimony Index Adjusted GFI (AGFI) .
  Parsimonious GFI -1.0000
  RMSEA Estimate .
  Probability of Close Fit .
  ECVI Estimate 0.0243
  ECVI Lower 90% Confidence Limit .
  ECVI Upper 90% Confidence Limit .
  Akaike Information Criterion 8.0000
  Bozdogan CAIC 26.0858
  Schwarz Bayesian Criterion 22.0858
  McDonald Centrality 0.9980
Incremental Index Bentler Comparative Fit Index 0.9859
  Bentler-Bonett NFI 1.0000
  Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Index .
  Bollen Normed Index Rho1 .
  Bollen Non-normed Index Delta2 0.9863
  James et al. Parsimonious NFI -1.0000

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Psi1 neq psi2 again, start at beta1 = -0.9824205, beta2=0

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Predicted Covariances

Predicted Covariances
  Y1 Y2
Y1 1.72246 0.96515
Y2 0.96515 2.16043
Determinant 2.789740 Ln 1.025948

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = 0.7071068, beta2 = -0.7071068, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Psi1 neq psi2 again, start at beta1 = -0.9824205, beta2=0

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

ML Estimation


Linear Equations
Y1 =   -0.9824 (**) F1 + 0   F2 + 1.0000   epsilon1
Y2 =   -0.9824 (**) F1 + 0   F2 + 1.0000   epsilon2

Linear Effects

Effects in Linear Equations
Variable Predictor Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Y1 F1 beta1 -0.98242 0.06943 -14.1494 <.0001
Y1 F2 beta2 0 0 . .
Y2 F1 beta1 -0.98242 0.06943 -14.1494 <.0001
Y2 F2 beta2 0 0 . .

Variance Parms

Estimates for Variances of Exogenous Variables
Variable Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Error epsilon1 psi1 0.75731 0.12549 6.0349 <.0001
  epsilon2 psi2 1.19528 0.15029 7.9529 <.0001
Latent F1   1.00000      
  F2   1.00000      

Covariance Parms

Covariances Among Exogenous Variables
Var1 Var2 Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
F1 F2 0      

Sq. Mult. Correlations

Squared Multiple Correlations
Variable Error Variance Total Variance R-Square
Y1 0.75731 1.72246 0.5603
Y2 1.19528 2.16043 0.4467

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = beta2 = 0, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Model and Initial Values

The CALIS Procedure

Modeling Specification

Modeling Info

Modeling Information
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
N Records Read 250
N Records Used 250
N Obs 250
Model Type LINEQS
Analysis Covariances

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = beta2 = 0, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics


Covariance Matrix (DF = 250)
  Y3 Y4
Y3 0.73234 -0.06743
Y4 -0.06743 1.08540
Determinant 0.790329 Ln -0.235307


Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = beta2 = 0, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Optimization

Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

Scaling Update of More (1978)

Optimization Problem

Parameter Estimates 4
Functions (Observations) 3

Iteration Start

Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 0.3773072194
Max Abs Gradient Element 1.7788941288 Radius 3.4494465031

Iteration History

Iteration   Restarts Function
Max Abs
Lambda Ratio
1 * 0 4 0   0.01160 0.3657 0.1066 111E-16 0.577
2 * 0 8 0   0.00697 0.00463 0.0450 0.954 1.032
3 * 0 11 0   0.00581 0.00116 0.00670 0.185 0.890
4 * 0 14 0   0.00574 0.000068 0.00200 0.322 0.649
5 * 0 17 0   0.00574 2.616E-6 0.000681 0.434 0.978
6 * 0 20 0   0.00574 2.668E-7 0.000214 0.387 0.987
7 * 0 23 0   0.00574 2.381E-8 0.000078 0.492 0.999
8 * 0 26 0   0.00574 3.503E-9 0.000016 0.219 0.995
9 * 0 29 0   0.00574 1.46E-10 4.028E-6 0.283 0.979

Iteration Stop

Optimization Results
Iterations 9 Function Calls 32
Jacobian Calls 11 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 0.0057358354 Max Abs Gradient Element 4.0276129E-6
Lambda 0.2829550366 Actual Over Pred Change 0.9794165443
Radius 0.000027147    
Convergence criterion (ABSGCONV=0.00001) satisfied.

Note:The Moore-Penrose inverse is used in computing the covariance matrix for parameter estimates.

Note:Covariance matrix for the estimates is not full rank.

Note:The variance of some parameter estimates is zero or some parameter estimates are linearly related to other parameter estimates as shown in the following equations:

Linear Dependence

beta1 = -388462 + 213706 * psi1 + 213706 * psi2
beta2 = -318623 + 175285 * psi1 + 175285 * psi2

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = beta2 = 0, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation


Fit Summary

Fit Summary
WARNING: Indices for models with negative
degrees of freedom may not be interpretable.
Modeling Info Number of Observations 250
  Number of Variables 2
  Number of Moments 3
  Number of Parameters 4
  Number of Active Constraints 0
  Baseline Model Function Value 0.0057
  Baseline Model Chi-Square 1.4340
  Baseline Model Chi-Square DF 1
  Pr > Baseline Model Chi-Square 0.2311
Absolute Index Fit Function 0.0057
  Chi-Square 1.4340
  Chi-Square DF -1
  Pr > Chi-Square .
  Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty .
  Hoelter Critical N .
  Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) 0.0389
  Standardized RMR (SRMR) 0.0437
  Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) 0.9943
Parsimony Index Adjusted GFI (AGFI) .
  Parsimonious GFI -0.9943
  RMSEA Estimate .
  Probability of Close Fit .
  ECVI Estimate 0.0243
  ECVI Lower 90% Confidence Limit .
  ECVI Upper 90% Confidence Limit .
  Akaike Information Criterion 9.4340
  Bozdogan CAIC 27.5198
  Schwarz Bayesian Criterion 23.5198
  McDonald Centrality 0.9951
Incremental Index Bentler Comparative Fit Index 0.0000
  Bentler-Bonett NFI 0.0000
  Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Index .
  Bollen Normed Index Rho1 .
  Bollen Non-normed Index Delta2 0.0000
  James et al. Parsimonious NFI 0.0000

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = beta2 = 0, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Predicted Covariances

Predicted Covariances
  Y3 Y4
Y3 0.73234 0.00000
Y4 0.00000 1.08540
Determinant 0.794878 Ln -0.229566

Try to fit a non-identified model

Jerry Brunner: Student Number 999999999

True beta1 = beta2 = 0, psi1 = psi2 = 1

Fails parameter count rule

The CALIS Procedure

Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

ML Estimation


Linear Equations
Y3 =   4.474E-7 (**) F1 + 5.455E-7 (**) F2 + 1.0000   epsilon1
Y4 =   4.474E-7 (**) F1 + 5.455E-7 (**) F2 + 1.0000   epsilon2

Linear Effects

Effects in Linear Equations
Variable Predictor Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Y3 F1 beta1 4.47396E-7 1.04791E-7 4.2694 <.0001
Y3 F2 beta2 5.45461E-7 1.2776E-7 4.2694 <.0001
Y4 F1 beta1 4.47396E-7 1.04791E-7 4.2694 <.0001
Y4 F2 beta2 5.45461E-7 1.2776E-7 4.2694 <.0001

Variance Parms

Estimates for Variances of Exogenous Variables
Variable Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Error epsilon1 psi1 0.73234 0.06550 11.1803 <.0001
  epsilon2 psi2 1.08540 0.09708 11.1803 <.0001
Latent F1   1.00000      
  F2   1.00000      

Covariance Parms

Covariances Among Exogenous Variables
Var1 Var2 Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
F1 F2 0      

Sq. Mult. Correlations

Squared Multiple Correlations
Variable Error Variance Total Variance R-Square
Y3 0.73234 0.73234 0
Y4 1.08540 1.08540 0