STA429/1007 Assignment 7

Quiz on Thursday Nov. 8th at 10:10 a.m.

The file heart.txt contains data from a study following middle-aged male employees of the Western Electric Company in the 1950's. The first part of the file gives descriptions of the variables. This part should be stripped off or skipped using the firstobs option on the infile statement.

Please write a SAS program that reads and labels the data, including a proc format. Don't forget the missing values!

  1. Obtain means and standard deviations of the quantitative variables.
  2. Obtain frequency distributions of the categorical variables.
  3. Do a cross-tabulation of "ALIVE 10 YEARS AFTER ENTERING STUDY" by DAY OF DEATH. Use the missing option. My proc freq has

    tables daydied*died / missing norow nocol nopercent;

    Apparently, there were some people who were alive 10 years after entering the study, but who died before the study was completed (or else the investigators added the data later).

Please bring your log file and your list file to the quiz.