STA429/1007 Assignment 3

Quiz is on Feb. 2nd at 12:10 pm.

The file titanic_data.txt contains data from the sinking of the Titanic. The file consists of a bit of explanation at the top, and then raw data. You'll copy the file to your directory and edit out the top part to make a data file.

Read and label the data, and perform (elementary) analyses to answer these questions:

  1. What's the natural dependent variable?
  2. Is class (Crew vs 1st vs 2nd vs 3d) related to survival?
  3. Is age related to survival?
  4. Is sex related to survival?

In each case, be ready to say whether there is a significant relationship at the 0.05 level, and say what the relationship is if you can.

Bring your log file and your list file to the quiz; you may hand one or both of them in. Please don't write anything on them in advance except maybe your name and student number.