STA1007 Project

Due Thursday April 19th.

First, locate a data set in your field. If you have a faculty advisor, he or she may be able to help. If this fails, I may be able to help. It is recommended but not required that you briefly discuss the project with me before you do a lot of work. Email is fine. If you can bring yourself to speak aloud during the Friday morning tutorial or if you can come to my office hours in groups, it may save me having to say the same thing over and over to different people.

Analyze your data using some of the statistical methods covered in this course. Unless there is a very good reason for using other software and we have explicitly agreed on this, please use SAS or R. Come to some conclusions. Write a cover section describing the data, where it came from and what you did with it. Make your conclusions explicit. This section not have to be polished; I am certainly not asking for a professional paper with an introduction, method, results, discussion and references. But it should be clear and readable by a non-specialist (me). Statistical terminology is okay. Length is is a minimum of one typed page and an absolute maximum of 5.

Attach the log and list files, showing all the analyses you mention in your cover section -- that is, the analyses upon which your main conclusions are based. If you spend more than twice the time on this that you spend on the typical weekly assignment, it's too much. All I want is evidence that you've learned something you can use in your work.

Turning it in: The project is due Thursday April 19th. There are three ways to turn it in.

  1. Give me hard copy any time before it's due.
  2. If I'm not around (likely), you may come to the Statistics department office on the 6th floor of Sidney Smith Hall. They will have a box where you can drop your assignment.
  3. You may email it to me as a single PDF file. You can save a Microsoft Word document as PDF, so this should not be a hardship. The log and list files can be pasted in after your answers. Please put the log and list files in the courier font.

If you leave hard copy with th department office, it has to be in by 5 pm on Thursday April 19th. If you geail me a PDF, it must be in by midnight.