STA429/1007 F 2004 Handout 9

Logistic regression (math and Berkeley data)

Quantitative Independent Variables

/********************** **********************/
title2 'Logistic regression on math data';
options linesize=79 pagesize=2000 noovp formdlim='_';
libname math 'mathlib'; /* Location of permanent SAS datasets */
libname library 'mathlib'; /* SAS will seach for permanently stored
                              formats ONLY in a place called "library."  */

/* creates the variable passed like this
        if (50<=mark<=100) then passed=1; else passed=0;
        label passed = 'Passed the course';
        format passed ynfmt.;  */

data quant; /* Includes only cases that are used for full model.
               It's a shame that this is necessary. */
     set math.explore;
     goodcase = gpa+hscalc+precalc+calc; /* Will be missing if any missing */
     if goodcase = . then delete ;

proc logistic descending; /* Always use descending */
     title3 'Fit full model and do Wald tests';
     model passed = gpa hscalc precalc calc;
     hschool: test gpa=hscalc=0;
     dtest: test precalc=calc=0;

proc logistic descending;
     title3 'Fit reduced model for testing hschool (gpa & hscalc)';
     model passed = precalc calc;

proc iml;
     title3 'Calculate Likelihood Ratio Test for hschool';
     G = 434.817 - 366.007; /* Got these numbers from the printout */
     pval = 1-probchi(G,2);
     print "G = " G ", df = 2, p = " pval;
     print "Compare Wald chisquare = 51.2448";

proc logistic descending ;
     title3 'Reduced model for testing diagnostic test (precalc & calc)';
     model passed = gpa hscalc;

proc iml;
     title3 'Calculate Likelihood Ratio Test for dtest';
     G = 380.910 - 366.007; /* Got these numbers from the printout */
     pval = 1-probchi(G,2);
     print "G = " G ", df = 2, p = " pval;
     print "Compare Wald chisquare = 13.8587";

Here is mathlog1.lst


                                The SAS System                                1
                       Logistic regression on math data
                       Fit full model and do Wald tests
                                               21:38 Saturday, October 30, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

     Data Set                      WORK.QUANT
     Response Variable             passed               Passed the course
     Number of Response Levels     2
     Number of Observations        375
     Model                         binary logit
     Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                        Ordered                    Total
                          Value     passed     Frequency

                              1     Yes              234
                              2     No               141

                     Probability modeled is passed='Yes'.

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC              498.554        376.007
                    SC               502.481        395.642
                    -2 Log L         496.554        366.007

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio       130.5468        4         <.0001
            Score                  108.2737        4         <.0001
            Wald                    79.7057        4         <.0001

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                     Standard          Wald
      Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

      Intercept     1    -14.6351      2.2803       41.1914        <.0001
      gpa           1      0.1181      0.0311       14.4227        0.0001
      hscalc        1      0.0592      0.0136       18.9109        <.0001
      precalc       1      0.2633      0.0890        8.7518        0.0031
      calc          1      0.0821      0.0650        1.5969        0.2063

                             Odds Ratio Estimates

                                Point          95% Wald
                  Effect     Estimate      Confidence Limits

                  gpa           1.125       1.059       1.196
                  hscalc        1.061       1.033       1.090
                  precalc       1.301       1.093       1.549
                  calc          1.086       0.956       1.233

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     83.4    Somers' D    0.670
               Percent Discordant     16.4    Gamma        0.671
               Percent Tied            0.1    Tau-a        0.315
               Pairs                 32994    c            0.835

                      Linear Hypotheses Testing Results

                  Label      Chi-Square      DF    Pr > ChiSq

                  hschool       51.2448       2        <.0001
                  dtest         13.8587       2        0.0010


                                The SAS System                                2
                       Logistic regression on math data
             Fit reduced model for testing hschool (gpa & hscalc)
                                               21:38 Saturday, October 30, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

     Data Set                      WORK.QUANT
     Response Variable             passed               Passed the course
     Number of Response Levels     2
     Number of Observations        375
     Model                         binary logit
     Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                        Ordered                    Total
                          Value     passed     Frequency

                              1     Yes              234
                              2     No               141

                     Probability modeled is passed='Yes'.

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC              498.554        440.817
                    SC               502.481        452.598
                    -2 Log L         496.554        434.817

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio        61.7369        2         <.0001
            Score                   55.0700        2         <.0001
            Wald                    47.8371        2         <.0001

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                     Standard          Wald
      Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

      Intercept     1     -1.8113      0.3604       25.2549        <.0001
      precalc       1      0.3696      0.0821       20.2696        <.0001
      calc          1      0.2066      0.0567       13.2947        0.0003

                             Odds Ratio Estimates

                                Point          95% Wald
                  Effect     Estimate      Confidence Limits

                  precalc       1.447       1.232       1.700
                  calc          1.230       1.100       1.374

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     72.4    Somers' D    0.467
               Percent Discordant     25.7    Gamma        0.475
               Percent Tied            1.9    Tau-a        0.220
               Pairs                 32994    c            0.733


                                The SAS System                                3
                       Logistic regression on math data
                  Calculate Likelihood Ratio Test for hschool
                                               21:38 Saturday, October 30, 2004

                                 G                     PVAL

                    G =      68.81 , df = 2, p =   1.11E-15

                       Compare Wald chisquare = 51.2448


                                The SAS System                                4
                       Logistic regression on math data
          Reduced model for testing diagnostic test (precalc & calc)
                                               21:38 Saturday, October 30, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

     Data Set                      WORK.QUANT
     Response Variable             passed               Passed the course
     Number of Response Levels     2
     Number of Observations        375
     Model                         binary logit
     Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                        Ordered                    Total
                          Value     passed     Frequency

                              1     Yes              234
                              2     No               141

                     Probability modeled is passed='Yes'.

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC              498.554        386.910
                    SC               502.481        398.691
                    -2 Log L         496.554        380.910

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio       115.6442        2         <.0001
            Score                   99.0512        2         <.0001
            Wald                    73.7669        2         <.0001

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                     Standard          Wald
      Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

      Intercept     1    -14.7000      2.2138       44.0913        <.0001
      gpa           1      0.1250      0.0303       17.0524        <.0001
      hscalc        1      0.0719      0.0130       30.5780        <.0001

                             Odds Ratio Estimates

                               Point          95% Wald
                  Effect    Estimate      Confidence Limits

                  gpa          1.133       1.068       1.202
                  hscalc       1.075       1.048       1.102

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     81.9    Somers' D    0.640
               Percent Discordant     18.0    Gamma        0.641
               Percent Tied            0.1    Tau-a        0.301
               Pairs                 32994    c            0.820


                                The SAS System                                5
                       Logistic regression on math data
                   Calculate Likelihood Ratio Test for dtest
                                               21:38 Saturday, October 30, 2004

                                 G                     PVAL

                    G =     14.903 , df = 2, p =  0.0005806

                       Compare Wald chisquare = 13.8587

Categorical Independent Variables

For reference, here is Use it with %include.

/* Define Berkeley Grad admissions data
                 Always need    weight count       */
options linesize=79 pagesize=35 noovp formdlim='_';
title 'Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data: ';

proc format;
     value sexfmt 1 = 'Female' 0 = 'Male';
     value ynfmt 1 = 'Yes'  0 = 'No';
data berkley;
     input  line sex dept $ admit count;
     /* Dummy vars for department: F is ref category */
     if dept='A' then a = 1 ; else a = 0;
     if dept='B' then b = 1 ; else b = 0;
     if dept='C' then c = 1 ; else c = 0;
     if dept='D' then d = 1 ; else d = 0;
     if dept='E' then e = 1 ; else e = 0;
     format sex sexfmt.; format admit ynfmt.;
   1     0      A      1    512
   2     0      B      1    353
   3     0      C      1    120
   4     0      D      1    138
   5     0      E      1     53
   6     0      F      1     22
   7     1      A      1     89
   8     1      B      1     17
   9     1      C      1    202
  10     1      D      1    131
  11     1      E      1     94
  12     1      F      1     24
  13     0      A      0    313
  14     0      B      0    207
  15     0      C      0    205
  16     0      D      0    279
  17     0      E      0    138
  18     0      F      0    351
  19     1      A      0     19
  20     1      B      0      8
  21     1      C      0    391
  22     1      D      0    244
  23     1      E      0    299
  24     1      F      0    317

/* Commented out

proc freq;
     tables dept * (a--e) / norow nocol nopercent;

Now the program file, followed by the list file.

%include '';  /*  Always need weight count */
title2 'Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data';

proc logistic descending;
     title3 'Admit by sex: proc freq gives LR chisq = 93.4494';
     model admit = sex;
     weight count;

proc logistic descending;
     title3 'Admit by Dept: proc freq gives LR chisq = 855.3209';
     title4 '(Also the reduced model for testing sex controlling for dept.)';
     model admit = a -- e;
     weight count;

proc logistic descending;
     title3 'Full model with Sex and Dept and Interaction';
     class sex dept;
     model admit = sex dept sex*dept;
     weight count;

/* The subdivision approach to controlling for dept specifies a reduced
   model in which there is no relationship between sex and admission for
   ANY department. If we were testing means in an ordinary ANOVA, this
   would look like two profiles (one for males and one for females) that
   were exactly on top of each other. That is, there would be no main
   effect for sex AND no dept by sex interaction. That's what we test
   in the present case too. We have already fit the reduced model, which
   has just dept, but no sex and no interaction.  */

proc iml;
     title3 'Calculate LR test of Sex controlling for Dept';
     print "           proc freq gives LR chisq =";
     print "19.0540+0.2586+0.75100+0.2979+0.9904+0.3836 = 21.7355";
     G = 5189.020 - 5167.284; pval = 1-probchi(G,5);
     print "G = " G ", df = 5, p = " pval;

/* Finally, the significant Wald test for interaction is intriguing. If it
   holds up, it would represent the substantial association in Dept A,
   contrasted with the weak or absent association in other departments.
   Fit reduced model with sex and dept but no interaction.  */

proc logistic descending;
     title3 'Reduced model with Sex and Dept';
     class sex dept;
     model admit = sex dept;
     weight count;

proc iml;
     title3 'Calculate LR test of Sex by Dept';
     print "Wald chisquare = 17.9011, df=5, p = 0.0031";
     G = 5187.488 - 5167.284; pval = 1-probchi(G,5);
     print "G = " G ", df = 5, p = " pval;

Here is logberk.lst.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      1
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
               Admit by sex: proc freq gives LR chisq = 93.4494
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

                Data Set                      WORK.BERKLEY
                Response Variable             admit
                Number of Response Levels     2
                Number of Observations        24
                Weight Variable               count
                Sum of Weights                4526
                Model                         binary logit
                Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                Ordered                   Total            Total
                  Value     admit     Frequency           Weight

                      1     Yes              12        1755.0000
                      2     No               12        2771.0000

                      Probability modeled is admit='Yes'.

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      2
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
               Admit by sex: proc freq gives LR chisq = 93.4494
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC             6046.341       5954.891
                    SC              6047.519       5957.247
                    -2 Log L        6044.341       5950.891

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio        93.4494        1         <.0001
            Score                   92.2053        1         <.0001
            Wald                    91.2356        1         <.0001

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                     Standard          Wald
      Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

      Intercept     1     -0.2201      0.0388       32.2086        <.0001
      sex           1     -0.6103      0.0639       91.2356        <.0001


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      3
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
               Admit by sex: proc freq gives LR chisq = 93.4494
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Odds Ratio Estimates

                               Point          95% Wald
                  Effect    Estimate      Confidence Limits

                  sex          0.543       0.479       0.616

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     25.0    Somers' D    0.000
               Percent Discordant     25.0    Gamma        0.000
               Percent Tied           50.0    Tau-a        0.000
               Pairs                   144    c            0.500


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      4
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
              Admit by Dept: proc freq gives LR chisq = 855.3209
        (Also the reduced model for testing sex controlling for dept.)
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

                Data Set                      WORK.BERKLEY
                Response Variable             admit
                Number of Response Levels     2
                Number of Observations        24
                Weight Variable               count
                Sum of Weights                4526
                Model                         binary logit
                Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                Ordered                   Total            Total
                  Value     admit     Frequency           Weight

                      1     Yes              12        1755.0000
                      2     No               12        2771.0000

                      Probability modeled is admit='Yes'.

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      5
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
              Admit by Dept: proc freq gives LR chisq = 855.3209
        (Also the reduced model for testing sex controlling for dept.)
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC             6046.341       5201.020
                    SC              6047.519       5208.088
                    -2 Log L        6044.341       5189.020

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio       855.3209        5         <.0001
            Score                  778.9065        5         <.0001
            Wald                   623.0288        5         <.0001


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      6
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
              Admit by Dept: proc freq gives LR chisq = 855.3209
        (Also the reduced model for testing sex controlling for dept.)
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                     Standard          Wald
      Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

      Intercept     1     -2.6755      0.1524      308.1089        <.0001
      a             1      3.2689      0.1671      382.8915        <.0001
      b             1      3.2183      0.1749      338.6368        <.0001
      c             1      2.0598      0.1674      151.4376        <.0001
      d             1      2.0106      0.1699      140.0623        <.0001
      e             1      1.5860      0.1798       77.8152        <.0001

                             Odds Ratio Estimates

                               Point          95% Wald
                  Effect    Estimate      Confidence Limits

                  a           26.283      18.944      36.464
                  b           24.986      17.735      35.202
                  c            7.844       5.650      10.890
                  d            7.468       5.353      10.418
                  e            4.884       3.433       6.947


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      7
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
              Admit by Dept: proc freq gives LR chisq = 855.3209
        (Also the reduced model for testing sex controlling for dept.)
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     41.7    Somers' D    0.000
               Percent Discordant     41.7    Gamma        0.000
               Percent Tied           16.7    Tau-a        0.000
               Pairs                   144    c            0.500


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      8
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                 Full model with Sex and Dept and Interaction
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

                Data Set                      WORK.BERKLEY
                Response Variable             admit
                Number of Response Levels     2
                Number of Observations        24
                Weight Variable               count
                Sum of Weights                4526
                Model                         binary logit
                Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                Ordered                   Total            Total
                  Value     admit     Frequency           Weight

                      1     Yes              12        1755.0000
                      2     No               12        2771.0000

                      Probability modeled is admit='Yes'.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                      9
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                 Full model with Sex and Dept and Interaction
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                            Class Level Information

                                          Design Variables

              Class     Value       1      2      3      4      5

              sex       Female      1
                        Male       -1

              dept      A           1      0      0      0      0
                        B           0      1      0      0      0
                        C           0      0      1      0      0
                        D           0      0      0      1      0
                        E           0      0      0      0      1
                        F          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     10
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                 Full model with Sex and Dept and Interaction
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC             6046.341       5191.284
                    SC              6047.519       5205.421
                    -2 Log L        6044.341       5167.284

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio       877.0564       11         <.0001
            Score                  797.7045       11         <.0001
            Wald                   628.1667       11         <.0001

                         Type III Analysis of Effects

                 Effect        DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

                 sex            1        3.3927        0.0655
                 dept           5      389.4863        <.0001
                 sex*dept       5       17.9011        0.0031


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     11
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                 Full model with Sex and Dept and Interaction
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                         Standard          Wald
 Parameter             DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

 Intercept              1     -0.5552      0.0551      101.5729        <.0001
 sex       Female       1      0.1015      0.0551        3.3927        0.0655
 dept      A            1      1.5733      0.1206      170.2821        <.0001
 dept      B            1      1.1990      0.1869       41.1307        <.0001
 dept      C            1     -0.0428      0.0805        0.2822        0.5953
 dept      D            1     -0.1078      0.0824        1.7094        0.1911
 dept      E            1     -0.5019      0.0986       25.9191        <.0001
 sex*dept  Female A     1      0.4246      0.1206       12.3999        0.0004
 sex*dept  Female B     1     0.00854      0.1869        0.0021        0.9635
 sex*dept  Female C     1     -0.1639      0.0805        4.1420        0.0418
 sex*dept  Female D     1     -0.0605      0.0824        0.5382        0.4632
 sex*dept  Female E     1     -0.2016      0.0986        4.1808        0.0409

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     45.8    Somers' D    0.000
               Percent Discordant     45.8    Gamma        0.000
               Percent Tied            8.3    Tau-a        0.000
               Pairs                   144    c            0.500


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     12
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                 Calculate LR test of Sex controlling for Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                                proc freq gives LR chisq =

             19.0540+0.2586+0.75100+0.2979+0.9904+0.3836 = 21.7355

                                 G                     PVAL

                    G =     21.736 , df = 5, p =  0.0005877


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     13
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                        Reduced model with Sex and Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                              Model Information

                Data Set                      WORK.BERKLEY
                Response Variable             admit
                Number of Response Levels     2
                Number of Observations        24
                Weight Variable               count
                Sum of Weights                4526
                Model                         binary logit
                Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                                Response Profile

                Ordered                   Total            Total
                  Value     admit     Frequency           Weight

                      1     Yes              12        1755.0000
                      2     No               12        2771.0000

                      Probability modeled is admit='Yes'.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     14
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                        Reduced model with Sex and Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                            Class Level Information

                                          Design Variables

              Class     Value       1      2      3      4      5

              sex       Female      1
                        Male       -1

              dept      A           1      0      0      0      0
                        B           0      1      0      0      0
                        C           0      0      1      0      0
                        D           0      0      0      1      0
                        E           0      0      0      0      1
                        F          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1

                           Model Convergence Status

                Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     15
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                        Reduced model with Sex and Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Model Fit Statistics

                                   Intercept         and
                    Criterion        Only        Covariates

                    AIC             6046.341       5201.488
                    SC              6047.519       5209.735
                    -2 Log L        6044.341       5187.488

                    Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0

            Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

            Likelihood Ratio       856.8521        6         <.0001
            Score                  780.0984        6         <.0001
            Wald                   623.9394        6         <.0001

                         Type III Analysis of Effects

                  Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

                  sex          1        1.5260        0.2167
                  dept         5      534.7084        <.0001


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     16
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                        Reduced model with Sex and Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

                   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

                                        Standard          Wald
  Parameter           DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

  Intercept            1     -0.6424      0.0397      262.4455        <.0001
  sex       Female     1      0.0499      0.0404        1.5260        0.2167
  dept      A          1      1.2744      0.0723      310.8017        <.0001
  dept      B          1      1.2310      0.0856      206.9662        <.0001
  dept      C          1      0.0118      0.0714        0.0272        0.8690
  dept      D          1     -0.0202      0.0729        0.0772        0.7812
  dept      E          1     -0.4649      0.0898       26.7929        <.0001

                             Odds Ratio Estimates

                                       Point          95% Wald
           Effect                   Estimate      Confidence Limits

           sex  Female vs Male         1.105       0.943       1.295
           dept A vs F                27.284      19.553      38.070
           dept B vs F                26.125      18.403      37.087
           dept C vs F                 7.719       5.555      10.726
           dept D vs F                 7.476       5.358      10.430
           dept E vs F                 4.792       3.365       6.825


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     17
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                        Reduced model with Sex and Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                            The LOGISTIC Procedure

         Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

               Percent Concordant     45.8    Somers' D    0.000
               Percent Discordant     45.8    Gamma        0.000
               Percent Tied            8.3    Tau-a        0.000
               Pairs                   144    c            0.500


                      Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data:                     18
                Logistic dummy var regression on Berkeley data
                       Calculate LR test of Sex by Dept
                                                 06:40 Sunday, October 31, 2004

                  Wald chisquare = 17.9011, df=5, p = 0.0031

                                 G                     PVAL

                    G =     20.204 , df = 5, p =  0.0011442