STA429/1007 F 2004 Handout 7: The School Data

More proc glm

/* */
options linesize=79 noovp formdlim='_';
title 'Training school example: Nested with covariates';

data teach;
     infile 'school1.dat' firstobs=2; /* Skip the first line*/
     input id School  Instr  Learn  x1 x2 x3;
     /* Explore Character-valued vars and if statements */
     if school=1 and instr=1 then iname = 'Che Guevarra';
     if school=1 and instr=2 then iname = 'Amelia Airheart';
     if school=2 and instr=1 then iname = 'Oscar Robertson';
     if school=2 and instr=2 then iname = 'Earl Monroe';
     if school=3 and instr=1 then iname = 'Kareem Abdul-Jabbar';
     if school=3 and instr=2 then iname = 'Stanley';
     attrib iname2 length=$20;  /* The default length appears to be 12 */
     if school=1 and instr=1 then iname2 = 'Che Guevarra';
     if school=1 and instr=2 then iname2 = 'Amelia Airheart';
     if school=2 and instr=1 then iname2 = 'Oscar Robertson';
     if school=2 and instr=2 then iname2 = 'Earl Monroe';
     if school=3 and instr=1 then iname2 = 'Kareem Abdul-Jabbar';
     if school=3 and instr=2 then iname2 = 'Stanley';

proc freq;
     tables iname iname2;

proc glm;
     title2 'Traditional ANCOVA';
     class school instr;
     model learn = x1 x2 x3 school|instr;

proc glm;
     title2 'Check some ANCOVA Interactions';
     class school instr;
     model learn = x1 x2 x3 school|instr
                   x1*school x1*instr x1*school*instr;
                /* x1*school|instr produced wrong results & no error message */

proc glm;
     title2 'Nested with covariates';
     class school instr;
     model learn = x1 x2 x3 school instr(school);
     /*   x1*instr(school) yields garbage    */

Here is school.lst


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               1
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                              The FREQ Procedure

                                                Cumulative    Cumulative
       iname           Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent
       Amelia Airhe           4       16.67             4        16.67
       Che Guevarra           4       16.67             8        33.33
       Earl Monroe            4       16.67            12        50.00
       Kareem Abdul           4       16.67            16        66.67
       Oscar Robert           4       16.67            20        83.33
       Stanley                4       16.67            24       100.00

                                                   Cumulative    Cumulative
   iname2                 Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent
   Amelia Airheart               4       16.67             4        16.67
   Che Guevarra                  4       16.67             8        33.33
   Earl Monroe                   4       16.67            12        50.00
   Kareem Abdul-Jabbar           4       16.67            16        66.67
   Oscar Robertson               4       16.67            20        83.33
   Stanley                       4       16.67            24       100.00


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               2
                              Traditional ANCOVA
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                               The GLM Procedure

                           Class Level Information

                        Class         Levels    Values

                        School             3    1 2 3

                        Instr              2    1 2

                         Number of observations    24


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               3
                              Traditional ANCOVA
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                               The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: Learn

                                      Sum of
Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

Model                       8    1448.111948     181.013993     32.37   <.0001

Error                      15      83.888052       5.592537

Corrected Total            23    1532.000000

              R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE    Learn Mean

              0.945243      15.76570      2.364855      15.00000

Source                     DF      Type I SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

x1                          1    513.3577789    513.3577789     91.79   <.0001
x2                          1    261.2204365    261.2204365     46.71   <.0001
x3                          1     95.4069087     95.4069087     17.06   0.0009
School                      2    106.5247571     53.2623785      9.52   0.0021
Instr                       1     36.2982831     36.2982831      6.49   0.0223
School*Instr                2    435.3037834    217.6518917     38.92   <.0001

Source                     DF    Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

x1                          1      0.0658667      0.0658667      0.01   0.9150
x2                          1      0.0315433      0.0315433      0.01   0.9411
x3                          1      0.0003791      0.0003791      0.00   0.9935
School                      2    248.1908971    124.0954485     22.19   <.0001
Instr                       1    143.8713283    143.8713283     25.73   0.0001
School*Instr                2    435.3037834    217.6518917     38.92   <.0001


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               4
                        Check some ANCOVA Interactions
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                               The GLM Procedure

                           Class Level Information

                        Class         Levels    Values

                        School             3    1 2 3

                        Instr              2    1 2

                         Number of observations    24


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               5
                        Check some ANCOVA Interactions
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                               The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: Learn

                                      Sum of
Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

Model                      13    1500.100705     115.392362     36.17   <.0001

Error                      10      31.899295       3.189929

Corrected Total            23    1532.000000

              R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE    Learn Mean

              0.979178      11.90692      1.786037      15.00000

Source                     DF      Type I SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

x1                          1    513.3577789    513.3577789    160.93   <.0001
x2                          1    261.2204365    261.2204365     81.89   <.0001
x3                          1     95.4069087     95.4069087     29.91   0.0003
School                      2    106.5247571     53.2623785     16.70   0.0006
Instr                       1     36.2982831     36.2982831     11.38   0.0071
School*Instr                2    435.3037834    217.6518917     68.23   <.0001
x1*School                   2     45.1803418     22.5901709      7.08   0.0121
x1*Instr                    1      2.7005761      2.7005761      0.85   0.3792
x1*School*Instr             2      4.1078399      2.0539199      0.64   0.5457

Source                     DF    Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

x1                          1    12.89766778    12.89766778      4.04   0.0721
x2                          1     4.32737404     4.32737404      1.36   0.2712
x3                          1     0.28081944     0.28081944      0.09   0.7728
School                      2     1.17098878     0.58549439      0.18   0.8351
Instr                       1     8.23324748     8.23324748      2.58   0.1392
School*Instr                2     3.33431131     1.66715565      0.52   0.6083
x1*School                   2     4.02861991     2.01430996      0.63   0.5518
x1*Instr                    1     5.43700043     5.43700043      1.70   0.2209
x1*School*Instr             2     4.10783988     2.05391994      0.64   0.5457


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               6
                            Nested with covariates
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                               The GLM Procedure

                           Class Level Information

                        Class         Levels    Values

                        School             3    1 2 3

                        Instr              2    1 2

                         Number of observations    24


                Training school example: Nested with covariates               7
                            Nested with covariates
                                                 15:08 Monday, October 25, 2004

                               The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: Learn

                                      Sum of
Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

Model                       8    1448.111948     181.013993     32.37   <.0001

Error                      15      83.888052       5.592537

Corrected Total            23    1532.000000

              R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE    Learn Mean

              0.945243      15.76570      2.364855      15.00000

Source                     DF      Type I SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

x1                          1    513.3577789    513.3577789     91.79   <.0001
x2                          1    261.2204365    261.2204365     46.71   <.0001
x3                          1     95.4069087     95.4069087     17.06   0.0009
School                      2    106.5247571     53.2623785      9.52   0.0021
Instr(School)               3    471.6020665    157.2006888     28.11   <.0001

Source                     DF    Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F

x1                          1      0.0658667      0.0658667      0.01   0.9150
x2                          1      0.0315433      0.0315433      0.01   0.9411
x3                          1      0.0003791      0.0003791      0.00   0.9935
School                      2    248.1908971    124.0954485     22.19   <.0001
Instr(School)               3    471.6020665    157.2006888     28.11   <.0001