STA402s98 Assignment Four, Quiz on Friday Feb 13th

For the Kenton Food Company data from your text (p. 677), use SAS to read the data, label the variables, and test H0 µ123= µ4. Of course you can compare your numbers to those in the book to see if you got it right. Is the difference among means statistically significant at the 0.05 level? What proportion of the variation (Sum of Squares) in sales is explained by package design? Can you use a calculator to obtain numerical values for the estimates of the "effects" tau1, tau2, tau3 and tau4?

Use the estimate procedure to reproduce the t* value on p. 723.

Which population means are different from which other means at the 0.10 level? Use Scheffe, Tukey (compare p. 730) and Bonferroni methods.

Bring both your lst and log files to the quiz. Do not write anything on the printouts except your name and student number. Bring a calculator.