STA 402S98 Assignment 10: Quiz in tutorial April 3d

1. Do problems 24.13, 24.14 and 24.27.

2. Prove formulas 24.40a, 24.40b, 24.41a, 24.41b, 24.41c in the text.

3. Do problem 24.15 a, b and c using SAS and a calculator.

You are not responsible for any approximate tests, or for methods for unbalanced data. As for mixed models, SAS and our text are using slightly different statistical models for designs in which some effects are fixed and others are random. This is why their expected mean squares are different. There is a book called the SAS System for Linear Models, which is on reserve for this course. Section 4.4.1 contains a discussion of the controversy over which model to use, including references to the literature. Please stand by while I decide which approach we are going to use. For this  quiz, you are not responsible for mixed models.

Bring both your log file and your list file to the quiz. Do not edit either file except maybe to remove ^L characters. Do not write anything except your name and student number on either printout.