STA 402S 1998: Experimental Design

University of Toronto at Mississauga


Lecture: Monday & Wednesday 11:10-12:00 noon

Room: 2082 (South Building)

Instructor: Jerry Brunner

Office: 2092 (South Building)

Phone: 905-828-3816 email: jbrunner@credit

Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 12:00-1:00, or by appointment


Tutorials: Friday 11:10 - 12:00 noon

Room: 2082 (South Building)

Instructor: Dr. Alison Wier

Office: 4059c (South Building)

Phone: 905-828-3815   email:

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12 & 1-4 and Wed 2-4

Text: Applied Linear Statistical Models (Fourth edition) by J. Neter, M. H. Kutner, C. J. Nachtshelm and W. Wasserman.

Topics: Chapters 16 & 17 (in detail), skip 18, 19-23 (fast), 24 (in detail) 25 (fast), 26 (especially planning sample sizes), 27-30 (as time permits). See the class web page under "Assignments" for detailed advice about what to read and what to skip.


 Nine quizzes (Drop lowest score)  10%
 Test 1 (Friday Feb. 6)  25%
 Test 2 (Friday March 13)  25%
 Final Exam  40%


There is no tutorial on Friday Jan. 9th. Starting on Jan 16th, there will be a quiz on the homework and computer assignments almost every week (there should be nine quizzes). Quiz questions will be similar but not necessarily identical to homework questions. Quizzes MAY include questions about computer assignments, or you may be required to hand in your printout -- so always bring printouts to the quiz. If you do not take a quiz it is a zero. However, your lowest quiz score will be dropped.