# Laptop version # Make 4 jobs out of template and run them with source runR # If it were in a loop it would be harder to read. sed s/"X"/"1"/ template.txt > simjob1.txt sed s/"X"/"2"/ template.txt > simjob2.txt sed s/"X"/"3"/ template.txt > simjob3.txt sed s/"X"/"4"/ template.txt > simjob4.txt nohup nice R --vanilla < simjob1.txt >& simjob1.out.txt & nohup nice R --vanilla < simjob2.txt >& simjob2.out.txt & nohup nice R --vanilla < simjob3.txt >& simjob3.out.txt & nohup nice R --vanilla < simjob4.txt >& simjob4.out.txt &