STA312s19 Final Exam

This information applies only to the regular final exam, not the special deferred exam.

Time and location

The final exam will be on Tuesday April 16th in IB110, from 1-4 pm. Questions are like the quiz questions and the homework.


The exam has 7 questions, most with parts a, b, c and so on. It is 15 pages including the cover sheet and my R input and output. You will write your answers on the question paper. There will be a separate formula sheet. Keep a copy of the formula sheet handy as you prepare for the exam.


This course is mostly about the homework. The homework tells you what I want you to be able to do. Lecture material is only useful to the extent that it helps you do the homework. If the text and other readings are helpful too, that is great.

To study for the final, I recommend that you

  1. Do the sample questions presented in lecture; treat them as problems with solutions.
  2. Re-do the non-R parts of the homework.
    1. For each assignment, locate the corresponding lecture slides. This is mostly indicated on the course website.
    2. Look at the lecture slides and the homework problems together. Observe how most of the homework problems are asking you to use some concept or method from the lecture.
    3. Re-do the problems, referring to your earlier answers
    4. If you do not understand what a problem means or what it is asking you to do, this means you should find out. You are missing something, and it could be on the final exam.
  3. Using R, do something reasonable with the data sets described in the next section.


The R part of the final exam will be worth 25 marks out of 100. You will not write any R code on the exam, and you will not bring your printouts to the exam.. You will answer questions based on my analyses, using at least two of the following data sets.

What should you do? In my opinion, more or less what you did on the R part of the homework. Also see the R lecture displays. There is more than one "right" answer, so beware of being persuaded by your friends. Tjink for yourself. The important thing is to become familiar with the data sets, try some analyses, and understand the results.

Some material, especially from the last part of the course, will appear only in the R part of the final exam, if it appears at all. There were no homework problems on the following topics, but you might see them in the R part of the final. Look at the R lectures, using the non-R lecture material as necessary for understanding. Try some of these methods on the final data sets.

There will be nothing on time-dependent coefficients. Also, if I did not do something in the R lectures, it is very unlikely that I would do it on the final exam.

Office hours

Quiz solutions

If you are in negotiation with Eman about your marks on one of the quizzes, that negotiation may continue. However, now that the answers are posted, there will be no new discussions of the marking. The reason should be obvious.

More suggestions and comments

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