
Applied Statistical Modeling: Categorical Data Analysis

University of Toronto Mississauga, Fall 2022

Lecture: Tuesday 4:10-6:00 p.m. and Thursday 4:10-5:00 p.m. in IB235

Tutorial: Friday 5:10-6:00 p.m. in DV2074

Piazza: A good place to share information and insights with other students, as well as getting answers from the instructors and other students:

Communication: Jerry does not read his email every day. It is much more efficient to talk with him before or after class, or during office hours. Email to Jerry or the TA should be restricted to private matters. For questions about course content or procedures, please use Piazza, so other class members can benefit from the answers. Quercus is used in this course only to check quiz scores. In particular, please do not use Quercus messages (Inbox) to communicate with Jerry. He never looks at it.

Textbook: An introduction to categorical data analysis (2nd ed.) by Alan Agresti. It is available in pdf format free through the U of T library.

Topics: Introduction and review, Multinomial distribution, Contingency tables, Logistic regression for binary response variables, Generalized linear models, Logistic regression, Poisson regression, Logistic regression for multi-category response variables, Mixed models for repeated binary observations. The R statistical software will be used.

Prerequisites: STA302. This is a firm prerequisite, not a co-requisite.

Grading: Marks will be based on equally weighted weekly quizzes given in tutorial, unannounced pop quizzes given in lecture, and a comprehensive final exam. Percentages are as follows:

      Quizzes in Tutorial 50%
      Pop quizzes in Lecture    10%
      Final Exam 40%

Ten regular quizzes will be given in tutorial starting Sept. 23d. Quiz dates are Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2. The lowest regular quiz mark will be dropped.

There will be an assignment for each regular quiz. The knowledge you need to do each quiz is a subset of the knowledge you need to do the corresponding assignment. Some (most) of the assignments include a computer part. You will bring printouts to the quiz and answer questions based on the printouts. Possibly, one of the quiz questions will be to hand in a printout. The non-computer parts of the assignments are just to prepare you for the quizzes; they will never be handed in.

Pop quizzes will be given in lecture. The number of pop quizzes and their timing is random and not known in advance, except that there will be no pop quizzes the first week. The expected number of pop quizzes is ten. The pop quizzes will be very easy, and the marking will be generous.

Policy for missed work: If you miss a regular quiz or pop quiz, the mark is zero. However, your lowest quiz mark of each type will be dropped. If you miss a regular quiz with a valid excuse, the remaining quizzes will each count for more. The lowest remaining mark will still be dropped. A similar rule applies to the pop quizzes. If you believe you have a valid excuse for missing term work, please contact Jerry (not the TA).

What is a valid excuse? Medical excuses are usually accepted. Students can also be excused because of serious family emergencies. On the other hand, automotive breakdown or other transportation problems are never valid excuses. If you miss term work because you are taking another class at the same time as this one, that is not a valid excuse. The printer jammed, my dog ate it, etc. fall into the same category. If the University is officially open, weather is a valid excuse only if more than 50% of the class miss the quiz.

Plagiarism: It is academic dishonesty to present someone else's work as your own, or to allow your work to be used for this purpose. To repeat: the person who allows her/his work to be copied is equally guilty, and subject to disciplinary action by the university.

Here are some guidelines that apply to the computer assignments. If there is a problem with plagiarism, it will probably happen here, since computer input and output may be handed in. (I think it would be better if you did the non-computer homework independently too, but I can't enforce it.)

Accessibility Needs: We are committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course materials, please contact Jerry or Accessibility Services (visit or email as soon as possible.