Programs and data sets
- Death Penalty Data (Raw data file)
- Col 1 = Prisoner's Race (1=W, 2=B)
- Col 2 = Victim's Race (1=W, 2=B)
- Col 3 = Death Penalty (1=Yes 2=No)
- Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data
(Data frame with frequencies)
- Detergent Data from the text, in the form of a data frame with frequencies
- Birth Weight Data (Raw data file)
- Col 1 = Identification Code
- Col 2 = Low Birth Weight Baby (1=Yes under 2500g, 0=No)
- Col 3 = Mother's age in years
- Col 4 = Weight at Last Period
- Col 5 = Race (1=White, 2=Black, 3=Other)
- Col 6 = Smoke during Pregnancy (1=Yes, 0=No)
- Col 7 = History of Premature Labour (# of times)
- Col 8 = History of Hypertension (1=Yes, 0=No)
- Col 9 = Presence of Uterine Irritability (1=Yes, 0=No)
- Col 10 = Visits to Doctor During 1st trimester
- Col 11 = Baby's birth Weight in Grams
- Bird Lung Cancer Data (Raw data file)
- Col 1 = Lung Cancer (1=Yes, 0=No)
- Col 2 = Sex (1=Female, 0=Male)
- Col 3 = Socioeconomic Status (1=High, 0=Low)
- Col 4 = Birdkeeping (1=Yes, 0=No)
- Col 5 = Age
- Col 6 = Years smoked
- Col 7 = Cigarettes per day
- Language Development Data (Raw data file)
- Col 1 = Identification number
- Col 2 = Age in months
- Col 3 = Sex
- Col 4 = Number right on a vocabulary test
- Col 5 = Subordination index from a language sample: Complexity
- Col 6 = Mean length of utterance from a language sample:
- Col 7 = Number of article omissions from a language sample
- Seat Belt Data (Raw data file)
- Col 1 = Identification number (Month)
- Col 2 = Number of drivers killed
- Col 3 = Price of fuel per litre
- Col 4 = Seat belt law in effect? (1=Yes, 0=No)
- Heart data
- Raw Data, including description of
- Reads heart.txt and
defines the data, skipping the documentation at the top.