STA 305: Experimental Design

University of Toronto Mississauga, Winter/Spring 2014

Lecture: Monday 11:10-1:00 and Wednesday 11:10-12:00 in Room 1142, Davis Building

Note: Jerry does not read his email every day. It is much more efficient to talk with him before or after class, or during office hours.

Tutorials are Friday in the North Building: 10:10-11:00 in NE 174, and 12:10-1:00 in NE 140.

Text: There is no textbook for this course at the bookstore. Free online material will be available on the course home page.

Topics: Completely randomized design, Randomization tests and the normal linear model, Analysis of variance, Contrasts, Multiple comparisons, Factorial experiments, Dummy variable coding schemes, Blocking, Confounding, Power and sample size, Response surfaces, Nesting, Random effects and mixed models, Repeated measures. SAS will be used for the calculations.

Prerequisites: STA302 or ECO327 (Linear regression)

Accessibility Needs: We are committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course materials, please contact Jerry or Accessibility Services (visit or email as soon as possible.

Grading: Marks will be based on two term tests, eight quizzes on computer assignments, and a comprehensive final exam. Quizzes and term tests will be given on Mondays in lecture, starting the third Monday. Here are details:

Component When    Percentage of Mark
Term test one Feb. 3d    25%
Term test two March 10th    25%
Computer quizzes    Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 10, 24,    14% (drop lowest)
March 3, 17, 24, 31
Final exam    36%

There will be two types of assignment: computer assignments and regular assignments. The regular assignments will never be handed in. They are preparation for the term tests and the final exam. The computer assignments will require you to analyze data with SAS. You will bring your SAS log and procedure output files to the quiz. The quiz will consist of answering a few brief questions, and handing in the answers along with your printouts. There will be eight computer quizzes; your seven highest marks will count, so they are worth 2% each.

Policy for missed work: If you miss a computer quiz or term test without a valid excuse, the mark is zero. However, your lowest computer quiz mark will be dropped. If you believe you have a valid excuse for missing term work, please see Jerry (not the TA) in person during office hours or before or after class.

Even with a valid excuse, no makeup tests will be given, and no late computer assignments will be accepted. Your final exam will just count more.

If you miss a quiz or test for medical reasons, you must submit a University of Toronto Medical Certificate (not just a note), available at

The certificate must include the statement that you were unable to write the test or quiz for medical reasons. If the certificate does not clearly state that you were unable to function, the excuse will not be accepted. Documentation must show that the physician was consulted on the day of the quiz, or on the next day. A statement merely confirming a report of illness made by the student is unacceptable.

Here are more examples of excuses that are not acceptable. Automotive breakdown or other transportation problems are never valid excuses. If you miss term work because you are taking another class at the same time as this one, that is not a valid excuse. The printer jammed (but I have an electronic copy on my computer), my dog ate it, etc. fall into the same category. If the University is officially open, weather is a valid excuse only if more than 50% of the class miss the quiz or test.

Academic Honesty: Obviously, it is an academic offence to use or provide other students with unauthorized aids during quizzes and term tests. Unauthorized aids include but are not limited to: notes, cell phones, another student's paper (direct copying), whispering answers, and so on.

Especially note that it is an academic offence to present someone else's work as your own, or to allow your work to be presented for this purpose. To repeat: the person who allows her/his work to be copied is equally guilty, and subject to disciplinary action by the university.

Here are some guidelines that apply to the computer assignments. If there is a problem with plagiarism, it will probably happen here, since computer assignments will be handed in.

Above all, don't copy, and don't let anyone else copy from you. You are expected to do the work yourself, and then perhaps compare answers after you have done so.

For more detail, the latest version of the student handout "How not to Plagiarize" is available at The Academic Regulations of the University are outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic matters, which can be found in the Arts and Science Calendar or on the web at

More rules about the computer assignments. Marks will be deducted for not following these.