Tests and Exams from past years

Here are some old quizzes, tests and exams from times I have taught STA302/1001 in the past. Note that the best guide to what I will ask in this course are the questions on the assignments. But still, the old material may be useful. I was using earlier editions of our text, and maybe the questions will inform you about my general approach -- and also maybe how my approach has been changing.

Some of the older material may appear faint and fuzzy on your screen. But it will be clear if you zoom in, and it will print okay.

  1. 1990
  2. 1992
  3. 1994 Test 1
  4. 1994 Test 2
  5. 1994 Test 3
  6. 1994 Final
  7. 1994 Final Formula Sheet
  8. 1994 Final Printout