A Minimal Set of UNIX Commands The following is a very small but useful subset of UNIX operating system commands. Throughout, fname stands for the name of a file. exit Logs you off the system: ALWAYS log off before leaving! passwd Lets you change your password. man command name HELP: explains command name (like man minitab ). ls Lists file names. less fname Displays fname on screen, one page at a time. q to quit, space bar for next page laser fname Prints hard copy on the laser printer draft fname Prints hard copy on the dot matrix printer rm fname Removes fname, erases it forever. cp fname1 fname2 Copies fname1 to fname2 . mv fname1 fname2 Moves (renames) fname1 to fname2 . pico fname Starts the PICO text editor, editing fname (can be a new file) minitab Gets you into MINITAB Splus Gets you into S-Plus spss -m < fname.sps > fname.lis Executes SPSS commands in fname.sps, yielding output in fname.lis. spss -m -s 10m fname1 > fname2 Same as above, with 10 MB of workspace. sas fname Executes SAS commands in fname.sas, yielding fname.log and (if no errors) fname.lst This is a local Erindale command. ps Shows active processes. kill -9 # Kills process (job) number # : Sometimes you must do this when you can't log off because there are stopped jobs. lynx Gets you into the text based web browser lynx.