STA 301F97 Assignment 12: Due on or before Friday Dec 5

This assignment is a piece of cake, except for getting assess to the Hitachi lab.

1. Download the data and your command file from Assignment 10, and run it under SPSS for Windows. Do it exactly the same way you did for Assignment 10. We may check whether your answers are numerically the same as you wrote on the quiz. If they are not, you could lose marks. In other words, correctness does not count here, but exact correspondence to Assignment 10 and doing it with Windows does matter.

2. Make a high-resolution histogram of advertising in thousands of dollars (the new variable you created), with a superimposed normal curve.

Here's what you hand in (with name and student number only):

There will be a tutorial this last Friday, but no quiz. A TA will be there the entire period to accept papers and answer any questions for the final.