% Sample Question document for STA256 \documentclass[12pt]{article} %\usepackage{amsbsy} % for \boldsymbol and \pmb %\usepackage{graphicx} % To include pdf files! \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage[colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} % For links \usepackage{fullpage} %\pagestyle{empty} % No page numbers \begin{document} %\enlargethispage*{1000 pt} \begin{center} {\Large \textbf{Sample Questions: Expected Value, Variance and Covariance}} STA256 Fall 2018. Copyright information is at the end of the last page. %\rule{6in}{.01in} % Width and height \rule{6in}{.005in} % Horizontal line (Width and height) % \vspace{3 mm} \end{center} \begin{enumerate} \item {\Large Let $X$ have a continuous uniform distribution on $(a,b)$. Calculate $E(X)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X \sim$ Poisson($\lambda$). Calculate $E(X)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item Let the continuous random variable $X$ have density {\Large $f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{x^2} & \mbox{ for } x \geq 1 \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right. $ } % End size \begin{enumerate} \item Verify that $f(x)$ integrates to one. \vspace{80mm} \item Calculate $E(X)$. \end{enumerate} \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X \sim N(\mu,\sigma)$. Calculate $E(X)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X$ have a binomial distribution with parameters $n$ and $p$. Calculate $E(X)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X$ have a Gamma distribution with parameters $\alpha$ and $\lambda$. Calculate $E(X^k)$. } % Update! \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent (continuous) random variables. Show $E(XY)=E(X)E(Y)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Prove $Var(a+X) = Var(X)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Prove $Var(bX) = b^2Var(X)$. } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Show $Var(X) = E(X^2)-[E(X)]^2$.} \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X \sim$ Uniform(0,1). Calculate $Var(X)$.} \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X$ have density $e^{-x}$ for $x \geq 0$ and zero otherwise. Calculate $Var(X)$.} \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large Let $X \sim N(\mu,\sigma)$. Calculate $Var(X)$.} \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large The discrete random variables $x$ and $y$ have joint distribution \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|ccc} & $x=1$ & $x=2$ & $x=3$ \\ \hline $y=1$ & $3/12$ & $1/12$ & $3/12$ \\ $y=2$ & $1/12$ & $3/12$ & $1/12$ \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{enumerate} \item What is $E(X|Y=1)$? \vspace{80mm} \item What is $E(Y^2|X=2)$? \vspace{70mm} \end{enumerate} }% End size \begin{tabular}{c|ccc} & $x=1$ & $x=2$ & $x=3$ \\ \hline $y=1$ & $3/12$ & $1/12$ & $3/12$ \\ $y=2$ & $1/12$ & $3/12$ & $1/12$ \\ \end{tabular} \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item % Simple but requiring a clear head. Of course E(Y|X=x) has to equal x^2/2 unless you make a mistake. {\large Let $f_{x,y}(x,y) = 3$ for $0 < x < 1 $ and $ 0 < y < x^2$, and zero otherwise. \vspace{40mm} \begin{enumerate} \item Using $f_x(x)=3x^2$ for $0y$ separately. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item {\Large } \pagebreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% More questions, maybe for HW. \begin{enumerate} \item Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent (discrete) random variables. Show $E\left(g(X)h(Y)\right)=E\left(g(X)\right)E\left(h(Y)\right)$. \item Let $X \sim$ Uniform(1,2). Find $E(\frac{1}{X})$. \item True or false? $E(\frac{1}{X}) = 1/E(X)$. If it is true, prove it in general. If it is false, give a counter-example. \item \item \end{enumerate}