/* ReactionTime1.sas */ title "Ana's Perception Study: Reaction Time"; title2 'Multivariate approach to repeated measures'; /* Read data directly from Excel spreadsheet */ proc import datafile="/folders/myfolders/2453f15/RT_Medians.xls" out=rtime1 dbms=xls replace; getnames=yes; proc print; run; data rtime2; set rtime1; label NCQ = 'No Context Question' NCE = 'No Context Exclamation' NCS = 'No Context Statement' LCQ = 'Low Context Question' LCE = 'Low Context Exclamation' LCS = 'Low Context Statement' CQ = 'Context Question' CE = 'Context Exclamation' CS = 'Context Statement'; NCmean = (NCQ+NCE+NCS)/3; LCmean = (LCQ+LCE+LCS)/3; Cmean = (CQ+CE+CS)/3; Questmean3 = (NCQ+LCQ+CQ)/3; Exclamean3 = (NCE+LCE+CE)/3; Statemean3 = (NCS+LCS+CS)/3; Questmean2 = (NCQ+LCQ)/2; Exclamean2 = (NCE+LCE)/2; Statemean2 = (NCS+LCS)/2; proc means; class Language; var NCQ -- Statemean2; proc glm; title3 'All Three Tasks'; class Language; model NCQ NCE NCS LCQ LCE LCS CQ CE CS = Language; repeated Task 3, SentenceType 3 / short summary nouni mean; /* Factor on the right changes fastest (like numbers) */ /* As Ana says, Context Task is a different animal. */ proc glm; title3 'Two levels of task: No Context and Low Context'; class Language; model NCQ NCE NCS LCQ LCE LCS = Language; repeated Task 2, SentenceType 3 / short summary nouni mean; proc glm; title3 'Just the Context Task: Language by Sentence Type'; class Language; model CQ CE CS = Language; repeated SentenceType 3 / short summary nouni mean;