
Structural Equation Models

University of Toronto, Fall 2022

Lecture: Monday 10:10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in Sid Smith 2114

Communication: Jerry does not read his email every day. It is much more efficient to talk with him before or after class. Please do not use Quercus messages (Inbox) to communicate with Jerry. He never looks at it.

Draft Textbook: Structural Equation Models: An Open Textbook (Edition 0.10) by Jerry Brunner

Topics: Latent variables, Regression with measurement error, Parameter identifiability, Exploratory factor analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, Path analysis, The general structural model, Applications. The R statistical software will be used, primarily the lavaan package.

Grading: Marks will be based on five assignments during the term, and a final project. The assignments will be worth 14% each, and the final project will be worth 30%. The usual assignment will have a handwritten portion that will not be handed in, and also a computer portion. Typically, there will be a quiz based on the handwritten part, given at the beginning of lecture on the day the assignment is due. Part or all of the computer portion will be handed in. Due dates for the assignments are Sept. 26, Oct. 17, Oct 31, Nov. 14 and Nov. 28.

Policy for missed work: Late work will not be accepted. If you have a medical excuse or a serious family emergency, the remaining work will be re-weighted and I'll put the arrangement in writing.

Plagiarism: This is a graduate course, but it is still academic dishonesty to present someone else's work as your own, or to allow your work to be used for this purpose. To repeat: the person who allows her/his work to be copied is equally guilty, and subject to disciplinary action by the university.

Here are some guidelines that apply to the computer assignments. If there is a problem with plagiarism, it will probably happen here, since computer input and output may be handed in. I think it would be better if you did the non-computer homework independently too, but I can't enforce it.

Accessibility Needs: We are committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course materials, please contact Jerry or the Accessibility Resource Centre ( ) as soon as possible.