The following are some of the details regarding this prize.
The participants implicitly agree to the following regulations.

§ 1 – Participants
All students enrolled in a Canadian university in 2000 are eligible to submit a paper. It is not required that the student be enrolled in an actuarial science program. Previously published papers are not eligible. This prize is open to both undergraduates and graduate students.

§ 2 – Jury
The jury is comprised of university professors and actuarial professionals from the insurance and reinsurance field. The Chairperson of the jury is Mr. Alain Thibault, President & CEO of Meloche Monnex Inc. Mr. Jacques Blondeau, President of SCOR group is the honorary chairman.

§ 3 – Subject
There is no preset subject matter requirement. It is required that the paper deals with mathematics, physics, or economics related to the evaluation and the management of insurance, reinsurance or financial risks.

§ 4 – Application Process
The format for submission is: Typed and not to exceed 50 pages. Include a 3 to 5 page summary or abstract, explaining precisely the studied subject and the conclusion, plus a bibliography. Nowhere on the paper should the name or identity of the applicant be present. The applicant's name, address, university, degree and telephone number along with the title of the paper should be included on a separate letter. Two copies of the paper must be submitted Papers may be submitted in English or French.
All papers should be sent to:
SCOR Canada
Sean Russell
161 Bay St., Suite 5000, PO Box 615
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2S1

§ 5 – Application Dates
All papers must be submitted prior to December 31, 2000.

§ 6 – Prize
All papers will be judged and two prizes will be announced in April 2001.
First Prize: $ 10,000
Second Prize: $ 5,000
The authors of the winning papers will attend the June 2001 CIA annual meeting where the prizes will be presented. The selection of the winning papers will be based upon the following criteria:
The practical application of the paper.
The innovative character of the paper.
The relevance of the models and methods utilized.
The quality and thoroughness of the paper.

SCOR reserves the right to publish the winning papers and all applicants may not submit the paper to other journals until after the adjudication date. SCOR reserves the right to not award a prize if there are no papers of suitable quality.

For more information please contact Sean Russell at