STA 2201S: Applied Statistics II Spring 2012

Course Information

Exam has been marked and grades submitted.
Grades should appear on ROSI within a few days. My solutions

Here is the lab coat article, and the NY Times article about it.


  • Here is a screenshot for Q3 in the Review questions. (Thanks Adel!)

  • Final Test will be held on April 17, 13.10 -- 15.00, in SS 2105. No aids are permitted. Details on coverage for the test are in the slides of March 30.

March 30

March 23

Homework 3

  • Homework 3 due April 2.
    An amendment to Q2b was made on March 20.

March 16

March 9

March 2

Homework 2

Feb 29

Feb 17

Feb 10

Last minute reprieve

If needed, you can have an extension on HW 1 until Monday morning at 10. You can submit your homework by email, but at your own risk. If I don't reply to your email within an hour or two, it means I didn't get your homework.

Comments on HW 1, Q6

  • Clarification on the ``specifications'' can be found in this note.
  • In Part (a), the acceptance rate should have been defined as log((accepted + 1)/submitted); this has been corrected and the new version posted below.
    You can provide plots on just 1 of the specifications; most likely III (A and B)

Feb 3

Jan 27

Homework 1

  • Homework 1 is due on February 10. The formula in Q6(a) was corrected on Feb 7.
  • Data for Q6 in a comma separated spreadsheet
  • Data for Q6 as an R data frame -- read.table(url(""))
  • The Science article, the supporting online material (SOM), and the authors' Excel spreadsheet are given below (Jan 13)

Jan 20

Jan 13


Statistical Models by A.C. Davison.


You are welcome to use the statistical computing package of your choice, but I will refer exclusively to the R computing package. There are many helpful introductions to R, including: