STA 2201S: Applied Statistics II Spring 2012
Exam has been marked and grades submitted.
Grades should appear on ROSI within a few days. My solutions
Here is the lab coat article, and the NY Times article about it.
- Here is a screenshot for Q3 in the Review questions. (Thanks Adel!)
- Final Test will be held on April 17, 13.10 -- 15.00, in SS 2105.
No aids are permitted. Details on coverage for the test are in the slides of March 30.
March 30
March 23
Homework 3
- Homework 3 due April 2.
An amendment to Q2b was made on March 20.
March 16
March 9
March 2
Homework 2
Feb 29
Feb 17
Feb 10
Last minute reprieve
If needed, you can have an extension on HW 1 until Monday morning at 10. You can submit your homework by email, but at your own risk. If I don't reply to your email within an hour or two, it means I didn't get your homework.
Comments on HW 1, Q6
- Clarification on the ``specifications'' can be found in this note.
- In Part (a), the acceptance rate should have been defined as log((accepted + 1)/submitted); this has been corrected and the new version posted below.
You can provide plots on just 1 of the specifications; most likely III (A and B)
Feb 3
Jan 27
Homework 1
- Homework 1 is due on February 10. The formula in Q6(a) was corrected on Feb 7.
- Data for Q6 in a comma separated spreadsheet
- Data for Q6 as an R data frame -- read.table(url("http://www.utstat.utoronto.ca/reid/sta2201s/incentives.data"))
- The Science article, the supporting online material (SOM), and the authors' Excel spreadsheet are given below (Jan 13)
Jan 20
Jan 13
- For next week:
- Read Chapter 9 of Davison
- Find out what Bradford Hill's guidelines for causality are, and what the link is to our department
- Handwritten notes from lecture
- Notes from Cox and Donnelly
- Material re publication incentives
- McShane et al. A statistical analysis of multiple temperature proxies Annals of Applied Statistics (March, 2011)
Statistical Models by A.C. Davison.
You are welcome to use the statistical computing package of your choice,
I will refer exclusively to the R computing package.
There are many helpful introductions to R, including: