Dr. V. Radu Craiu is Professor of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto. He studied Mathematics
at the University of Bucharest (BS 1995, MS 1996) and received a PhD from the Department of Statistics at The
University of Chicago in 2001. His main research interests are in computational methods in statistics, especially,
Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms (MCMC), Bayesian inference, copula models, model selection procedures and
statistical genetics. He is currently Contributing Editor for the IMS Bulletin and Associate Editor for the Harvard Data
Science Review, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Statistics Surveys, The Canadian Journal of
Statistics, and Statistical Methods and Applications. He received the 2016 CRM-SSC prize, is a Fellow of the
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, a Faculty Affiliate of the Vector Institute, and an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.