STA313 F 2004 Handout 8

Path Model 1 with SAS

/* */
options linesize=79 noovp formdlim='_';
title 'STA313f04 Path 1 Example';

data path1;
     infile 'path1.dat';
     input x1 x2 y1 y2;

proc calis cov;          /* Analyze the covariance matrix (Default is corr) */
     title2 'Full (unrestricted) Model';
     var x1 x2 y1 y2;    /* Manifest vars are in the data set */
     lineqs              /* Simultaneous equations, separated by commas */
          y1 = b1 x1 + e1,
          y2 = b2 y1 + b3 x2 + e2;
     std                  /* Variances (not standard deviations) */
          x1 = sigsqx1,   /* Optional starting values in parentheses */
          x2 = sigsqx2,
          e1 = sigsqe1,
          e2 = sigsqe2;
     cov                   /* Covariances */
          x1 x2 = sigma12; /* Unmentioned pairs get covariance zero */
     bounds 0.0 < sigsqx1,
            0.0 < sigsqx2,
            0.0 < sigsqe1,
            0.0 < sigsqe2;

proc calis cov;          /* Analyze the covariance matrix (Default is corr) */
     title2 'Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0';
     var x1 x2 y1 y2;    /* Manifest vars are in the data set */
     lineqs              /* Simultaneous equations, separated by commas */
          y1 = b1 x1 + e1,
          y2 = b2 y1 + e2;
     std                  /* Variances (not standard deviations) */
          x1 = sigsqx1,   /* Optional starting values in parentheses */
          x2 = sigsqx2,
          e1 = sigsqe1,
          e2 = sigsqe2;
     cov                   /* Covariances */
          x1 x2 = sigma12; /* Unmentioned pairs get covariance zero  */
     bounds 0.0 < sigsqx1,
            0.0 < sigsqx2,
            0.0 < sigsqe1,
            0.0 < sigsqe2;

proc iml;
     title2 'Compute G two ways';
     print " ";
     print "Based on Fit Function";
     G1 = 300*(3.3328-0.0227); pval1 = 1-probchi(G1,1);
     print "G = " G1 ", df = 1, p = " pval1;
     print " ";
     print "Based on chi-square";
     G2 = 300/299 * (996.5153-6.7874); pval2 = 1-probchi(G2,1);
     print "G = " G2 ", df = 1, p = " pval2;

Before looking at the list file, here is a little discussion of how the test statistic G is being computed with proc iml. Notice that except for getting the p-value, these calculations could be done with a hand calculator.

Let us use the term "saturated model" for a model with no constraints on the covariance matrix of the manifest variables. This is the language we have been using in class. Any (identified) model with the same number of parameters as the unique elements of the covariance matrix is also saturated, and yields the same -2 Log Likelihood -- that is, any saturated model has a -2 Log likelihood equal to

n p ( 1 +log(2 pi) ) + n log(|Sigma_hat|) .

The equality of the -2 LL quantities for any saturated model follows from the invariance principle of maximum likelihood estimation, just for the record.

Now suppose you fit a non-saturated model. The difference between the quantity above and -2 LL for the model you fit is a reasonable test for the "goodness of fit" of your model. The null hypothesis is that your model holds, versus the alternative that there are no restrictions at all on the variance-covariance matrix of the manifest variables. The difference between the two -2LL quantities is a G; it's asymptotically chi-square, with degrees of freedom the difference between the number of parameters in your model and the number of parameters (unique elements of the covariance matrix) of the saturated model. This "goodness of fit" chisquare will equal zero (with df=0) only if you are fitting a model that is one-to-one with the saturated model.

If you fit an unrestricted model (but still maybe restricted compared to the saturated model) and you also fit a (more) restricted model, the DIFFERENCE between the 2 goodness of fit chi-square statistics is exactly our test statistic G for testing the null hypothesis that the restricted model is true versus the alternative that the unrestricted model is true. There are two ways to get the goodness of fit chisquare statistic from the SAS output for a model. Of course you need to fit a restriced and an unrestricted model, and subtract to get G.

The first way is based on the "Fit Function" of the SAS output, which equals 0.0227 for the Full (unrestricted) model in the path1 example, and 3.3328 for the reduced (restricted) model. Multiply it by n, and you get that goodness of fit chisquare, directly. Multiply the difference by n, and you get the test statistic we are seeking. Thus, what we want is G = 300*(3.3328-0.0227) = 993.03. That's G1 in the proc iml above.

The second way to get G is from the SAS "Chi-square" statistic; Chi-square is equal to 6.7874 for the Full (unrestricted) model, and 996.5153 for the Reduced (restricted) model in the SAS output. This is almost the right number. It's what we want, but multiplied by (n-1)/n. Don't ask me why they do this, but of course for very large samples, (n-1)/n has no effect, and the G test is based on large-sample theory. We will multiply by n/(n-1) to get the traditional likelihood ratio test. Thus, G = 300/299 * (996.5153-6.7874) = 993.038. That's G2 in the proc iml; it's equal to G1 except for rounding error.

For comparison, when we did this example with R (in Handout 7) we got G = 993.038.

Now here is path1.lst.


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           1
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
           Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

                            LINEQS Model Statement

                       Matrix      Rows    Columns    ------Matrix Type-------

Term 1            1    _SEL_          4          6    SELECTION
                  2    _BETA_         6          6    EQSBETA        IMINUSINV
                  3    _GAMMA_        6          4    EQSGAMMA
                  4    _PHI_          4          4    SYMMETRIC

                          The 2 Endogenous Variables

    Manifest        y1  y2

                          The 4 Exogenous Variables

    Manifest        x1  x2
    Error           e1  e2


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           2
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
           Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

              Manifest Variable Equations with Initial Estimates

        y1      =        .*x1      +  1.0000 e1
        y2      =        .*y1      +       .*x2      +  1.0000 e2
                           b2                b3

                       Variances of Exogenous Variables

                       Variable Parameter      Estimate

                       x1       sigsqx1               .
                       x2       sigsqx2               .
                       e1       sigsqe1               .
                       e2       sigsqe2               .

                     Covariances Among Exogenous Variables

                       Var1 Var2 Parameter      Estimate

                       x1   x2   sigma12               .


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           3
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

            Observations         300    Model Terms              1
            Variables              4    Model Matrices           4
            Informations          10    Parameters               8

                     Variable          Mean       Std Dev

                     x1             0.16588       2.27566
                     x2            -0.20103       3.08880
                     y1             0.11331       2.68760
                     y2            -0.41910      10.88369

                Set Covariances of Exogenous Manifest Variables

                                    x1  x2

NOTE: Some initial estimates computed by two-stage LS method.


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           4
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                          Vector of Initial Estimates

                 Parameter      Estimate    Type

            1    b2              2.09453    Matrix Entry: _BETA_[2:1]
            2    b1              1.00190    Matrix Entry: _GAMMA_[1:1]
            3    b3              2.98282    Matrix Entry: _GAMMA_[2:2]
            4    sigsqx1         5.17862    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[1:1]
            5    sigma12         0.44648    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[2:1]
            6    sigsqx2         9.54070    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[2:2]
            7    sigsqe1         2.02490    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[3:3]
            8    sigsqe2         3.23198    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[4:4]


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           5
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                       Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

                         Scaling Update of More (1978)

                   Parameter Estimates                    8
                   Functions (Observations)              10
                   Lower Bounds                           4
                   Upper Bounds                           0

                              Optimization Start

Active Constraints                   0  Objective Function        0.0274155346
Max Abs Gradient Element  0.2050710365  Radius                               1

                                                      Max Abs             Over
         Rest    Func      Act    Objective  Obj Fun Gradient             Pred
 Iter    arts   Calls      Con     Function   Change  Element  Lambda   Change

    1       0       2        0      0.02272  0.00469   0.0127       0    0.994
    2       0       3        0      0.02270 0.000025 0.000596       0    0.998
    3       0       4        0      0.02270 3.992E-8 0.000037       0    0.983
    4       0       5        0      0.02270 1.18E-10 1.741E-6       0    0.978

                             Optimization Results

Iterations                           4  Function Calls                       6
Jacobian Calls                       5  Active Constraints                   0
Objective Function        0.0227001914  Max Abs Gradient Element  1.7411686E-6
Lambda                               0  Actual Over Pred Change   0.9775696387
Radius                     0.000047076

ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           6
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

         Fit Function                                          0.0227
         Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)                           0.9889
         GFI Adjusted for Degrees of Freedom (AGFI)            0.9446
         Root Mean Square Residual (RMR)                       1.7981
         Parsimonious GFI (Mulaik, 1989)                       0.3296
         Chi-Square                                            6.7874
         Chi-Square DF                                              2
         Pr > Chi-Square                                       0.0336
         Independence Model Chi-Square                         1466.5
         Independence Model Chi-Square DF                           6
         RMSEA Estimate                                        0.0895
         RMSEA 90% Lower Confidence Limit                      0.0215
         RMSEA 90% Upper Confidence Limit                      0.1675
         ECVI Estimate                                         0.0771
         ECVI 90% Lower Confidence Limit                       0.0620
         ECVI 90% Upper Confidence Limit                       0.1176
         Probability of Close Fit                              0.1372
         Bentler's Comparative Fit Index                       0.9967
         Normal Theory Reweighted LS Chi-Square                6.7003
         Akaike's Information Criterion                        2.7874
         Bozdogan's (1987) CAIC                               -6.6202
         Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion                         -4.6202
         McDonald's (1989) Centrality                          0.9921
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) Non-normed Index            0.9902
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) NFI                         0.9954
         James, Mulaik, & Brett (1982) Parsimonious NFI        0.3318
         Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty (1931)                    1.8416
         Bollen (1986) Normed Index Rho1                       0.9861
         Bollen (1988) Non-normed Index Delta2                 0.9967
         Hoelter's (1983) Critical N                              265


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           7
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                  Manifest Variable Equations with Estimates

       y1      =   1.0019*x1       +  1.0000 e1
       Std Err     0.0362 b1
       t Value    27.7053
       y2      =   2.0486*y1       +  2.9828*x2       +  1.0000 e2
       Std Err     0.0386 b2          0.0336 b3
       t Value    53.0060            88.6977

                       Variances of Exogenous Variables

           Variable Parameter      Estimate         Error    t Value

           x1       sigsqx1         5.17862       0.42354      12.23
           x2       sigsqx2         9.54070       0.78030      12.23
           e1       sigsqe1         2.02490       0.16561      12.23
           e2       sigsqe2         3.21678       0.26309      12.23

                    Covariances Among Exogenous Variables

          Var1 Var2 Parameter      Estimate         Error    t Value

          x1   x2   sigma12         0.44648       0.40732       1.10


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           8
                           Full (unrestricted) Model
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

            Manifest Variable Equations with Standardized Estimates

        y1      =   0.8483*x1      +  0.5295 e1
        y2      =   0.4947*y1      +  0.8278*x2      +  0.1611 e2
                           b2                b3

                         Squared Multiple Correlations

                                     Error         Total
                    Variable      Variance      Variance    R-Square

               1    y1             2.02490       7.22317      0.7197
               2    y2             3.21678     123.88541      0.9740

                     Correlations Among Exogenous Variables

                       Var1 Var2 Parameter      Estimate

                       x1   x2   sigma12         0.06352


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                           9
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
           Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

                            LINEQS Model Statement

                       Matrix      Rows    Columns    ------Matrix Type-------

Term 1            1    _SEL_          4          6    SELECTION
                  2    _BETA_         6          6    EQSBETA        IMINUSINV
                  3    _GAMMA_        6          4    EQSGAMMA
                  4    _PHI_          4          4    SYMMETRIC

                          The 2 Endogenous Variables

    Manifest        y1  y2

                          The 4 Exogenous Variables

    Manifest        x1  x2
    Error           e1  e2


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          10
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
           Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

              Manifest Variable Equations with Initial Estimates

                 y1      =        .*x1      +  1.0000 e1
                 y2      =        .*y1      +  1.0000 e2

                       Variances of Exogenous Variables

                       Variable Parameter      Estimate

                       x1       sigsqx1               .
                       x2       sigsqx2               .
                       e1       sigsqe1               .
                       e2       sigsqe2               .

                     Covariances Among Exogenous Variables

                       Var1 Var2 Parameter      Estimate

                       x1   x2   sigma12               .


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          11
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

            Observations         300    Model Terms              1
            Variables              4    Model Matrices           4
            Informations          10    Parameters               7

                     Variable          Mean       Std Dev

                     x1             0.16588       2.27566
                     x2            -0.20103       3.08880
                     y1             0.11331       2.68760
                     y2            -0.41910      10.88369

                Set Covariances of Exogenous Manifest Variables

                                    x1  x2

NOTE: Some initial estimates computed by two-stage LS method.


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          12
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                          Vector of Initial Estimates

                 Parameter      Estimate    Type

            1    b2              2.09622    Matrix Entry: _BETA_[2:1]
            2    b1              1.00190    Matrix Entry: _GAMMA_[1:1]
            3    sigsqx1         5.17862    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[1:1]
            4    sigma12         0.44648    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[2:1]
            5    sigsqx2         9.54070    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[2:2]
            6    sigsqe1         2.02490    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[3:3]
            7    sigsqe2        88.11855    Matrix Entry: _PHI_[4:4]


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          13
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                       Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

                         Scaling Update of More (1978)

                   Parameter Estimates                    7
                   Functions (Observations)              10
                   Lower Bounds                           4
                   Upper Bounds                           0

                              Optimization Start

Active Constraints                   0  Objective Function        3.3330031833
Max Abs Gradient Element  0.0075986595  Radius                               1

                                                      Max Abs             Over
         Rest    Func      Act    Objective  Obj Fun Gradient             Pred
 Iter    arts   Calls      Con     Function   Change  Element  Lambda   Change

    1       0       2        0      3.33283 0.000176 1.998E-6       0    1.000

                             Optimization Results

Iterations                           1  Function Calls                       3
Jacobian Calls                       2  Active Constraints                   0
Objective Function        3.3328270857  Max Abs Gradient Element  1.9984173E-6
Lambda                               0  Actual Over Pred Change              1
Radius                    0.0375337328

ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          14
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

         Fit Function                                          3.3328
         Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)                           0.6694
         GFI Adjusted for Degrees of Freedom (AGFI)           -0.1018
         Root Mean Square Residual (RMR)                       8.7264
         Parsimonious GFI (Mulaik, 1989)                       0.3347
         Chi-Square                                          996.5153
         Chi-Square DF                                              3
         Pr > Chi-Square                                       <.0001
         Independence Model Chi-Square                         1466.5
         Independence Model Chi-Square DF                           6
         RMSEA Estimate                                        1.0524
         RMSEA 90% Lower Confidence Limit                      0.9980
         RMSEA 90% Upper Confidence Limit                      1.1079
         ECVI Estimate                                         3.3804
         ECVI 90% Lower Confidence Limit                       3.0430
         ECVI 90% Upper Confidence Limit                       3.7431
         Probability of Close Fit                              0.0000
         Bentler's Comparative Fit Index                       0.3197
         Normal Theory Reweighted LS Chi-Square              295.2477
         Akaike's Information Criterion                      990.5153
         Bozdogan's (1987) CAIC                              976.4040
         Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion                        979.4040
         McDonald's (1989) Centrality                          0.1909
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) Non-normed Index           -0.3605
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) NFI                         0.3205
         James, Mulaik, & Brett (1982) Parsimonious NFI        0.1602
         Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty (1931)                   22.0440
         Bollen (1986) Normed Index Rho1                      -0.3590
         Bollen (1988) Non-normed Index Delta2                 0.3211
         Hoelter's (1983) Critical N                                4


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          15
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                  Manifest Variable Equations with Estimates

                y1      =   1.0019*x1       +  1.0000 e1
                Std Err     0.0362 b1
                t Value    27.7053
                y2      =   2.0499*y1       +  1.0000 e2
                Std Err     0.2020 b2
                t Value    10.1483

                       Variances of Exogenous Variables

           Variable Parameter      Estimate         Error    t Value

           x1       sigsqx1         5.17862       0.42354      12.23
           x2       sigsqx2         9.54070       0.78030      12.23
           e1       sigsqe1         2.02490       0.16561      12.23
           e2       sigsqe2        88.11855       7.20687      12.23

                    Covariances Among Exogenous Variables

          Var1 Var2 Parameter      Estimate         Error    t Value

          x1   x2   sigma12         0.44648       0.40732       1.10


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          16
                       Reduced (restricted) Model: b3=0
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                              The CALIS Procedure
         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

            Manifest Variable Equations with Standardized Estimates

                 y1      =   0.8483*x1      +  0.5295 e1
                 y2      =   0.5062*y1      +  0.8624 e2

                         Squared Multiple Correlations

                                     Error         Total
                    Variable      Variance      Variance    R-Square

               1    y1             2.02490       7.22317      0.7197
               2    y2            88.11855     118.47013      0.2562

                     Correlations Among Exogenous Variables

                       Var1 Var2 Parameter      Estimate

                       x1   x2   sigma12         0.06352


                           STA313f04 Path 1 Example                          17
                              Compute G two ways
                                                 10:17 Friday, November 5, 2004

                            Based on Fit Function

                                G1                    PVAL1

                    G =     993.03 , df = 1, p =          0

                              Based on chi-square

                                G2                    PVAL2

                    G =  993.03803 , df = 1, p =          0