STA 442: Methods of Applied Statistics


STA 1008: Applications of Statistics

University of Toronto Mississauga, Fall 2009

Lecture MWF 10:10-11:00 in Room 144, North Building. Tutorial Friday 1:10-2:00 in Room 3093, South Building

Note: This page is under construction, and will be updated frequently throughout the term.

Christine is ill and her office hours on Thursday Dec. 3d are cancelled.

Extra Office Hours for the final exam are given in the Final Exam Information.

SAS Handout 18 (Covariance structure approach to repeated measures) is posted below.

Slides on the covariance structure approach to repeated measures are also posted below.

Chapter 7 (Factorial ANOVA) and Chapter 8 (Multivariate analysis and repeated measures) are posted below. They are a bit rough (produced with an obsolete Mac word processor in the remote past, and only slightly revised for this edition of the textbook), but still possibly useful. There seem to be some minor font problems. For example, the first page of Chapter 8 has å=0.05 where the original document has α=0.05.

Chapter 7 is long. It has a section on choice of sample size by power and other methods. We did not get to this and you are not responsible for it, but you may find it helpful some day. Also, we somehow missed interactions between quantitative and categorical independent variables, as well as interactions between quantitative and quantitative. That's in Chapter 7 too. Chapter 7 includes a detailed analysis of the Greenhouse data (fungus growing on canola plants). This occupies 35 pages; you can view it as a case study in how to find out what's going on in a data set by testing contrasts. If you want a closer look at this topic you can read the case study. Otherwise, skip it.

Chapter 9 (Introduction to R) is posted below. You are not responsible for this material. The chapter illustrates R in a unix environment, but it's not installed on tuzo. I can't get it installed, and I can never reember all the technical reasons it's "impossible" for more than a day after I hear them. However, the language is almost completely the same on a desktop machine.

Chapter 10 (Permutation tests and the bootstrap) is posted below. You are not responsible for this.