
Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

The PRINT Procedure


Obs monkey treatment id time score
1 Spank CONTROL 1 2 95
2 Spank CONTROL 1 4 75
3 Spank CONTROL 1 8 80
4 Spank CONTROL 1 12 65
5 Spank CONTROL 1 16 70
6 Chim CONTROL 2 2 85
7 Chim CONTROL 2 4 75
8 Chim CONTROL 2 8 55
9 Chim CONTROL 2 12 75
10 Chim CONTROL 2 16 85
11 Chak CONTROL 3 2 75
12 Chak CONTROL 3 4 95
13 Chak CONTROL 3 8 60
14 Chak CONTROL 3 12 40
15 Chak CONTROL 3 16 45
16 Alf CONTROL 4 2 85
17 Alf CONTROL 4 4 80
18 Alf CONTROL 4 8 70
19 Alf CONTROL 4 12 45
20 Alf CONTROL 4 16 80
21 Poet CONTROL 5 2 65
22 Poet CONTROL 5 4 80
23 Poet CONTROL 5 8 75
24 Poet CONTROL 5 12 65
25 Poet CONTROL 5 16 65
26 Jessie CONTROL 6 2 70
27 Jessie CONTROL 6 4 90
28 Jessie CONTROL 6 8 85
29 Jessie CONTROL 6 12 75
30 Jessie CONTROL 6 16 75
31 Phil CONTROL 7 2 75
32 Phil CONTROL 7 4 80
33 Phil CONTROL 7 8 70
34 Phil CONTROL 7 12 70
35 Phil CONTROL 7 16 70
36 Irv TREATED 8 2 75
37 Irv TREATED 8 4 50
38 Irv TREATED 8 8 70
39 Irv TREATED 8 12 75
40 Irv TREATED 8 16 75
41 Edy TREATED 9 2 85
42 Edy TREATED 9 4 85
43 Edy TREATED 9 8 60
44 Edy TREATED 9 12 70
45 Edy TREATED 9 16 70
46 Allen TREATED 10 2 60
47 Allen TREATED 10 4 70
48 Allen TREATED 10 8 70
49 Allen TREATED 10 12 75
50 Allen TREATED 10 16 70
51 Poe TREATED 11 2 60
52 Poe TREATED 11 4 65
53 Poe TREATED 11 8 70
54 Poe TREATED 11 12 70
55 Poe TREATED 11 16 60
56 Joey TREATED 12 2 65
57 Joey TREATED 12 4 60
58 Joey TREATED 12 8 80
59 Joey TREATED 12 12 70
60 Joey TREATED 12 16 60
61 Just TREATED 13 2 55
62 Just TREATED 13 4 70
63 Just TREATED 13 8 60
64 Just TREATED 13 12 65
65 Just TREATED 13 16 75
66 Junior TREATED 14 2 60
67 Junior TREATED 14 4 55
68 Junior TREATED 14 8 75
69 Junior TREATED 14 12 70
70 Junior TREATED 14 16 50
71 Andy TREATED 15 2 55
72 Andy TREATED 15 4 65
73 Andy TREATED 15 8 45
74 Andy TREATED 15 12 70
75 Andy TREATED 15 16 65
76 Sport TREATED 16 2 60
77 Sport TREATED 16 4 70
78 Sport TREATED 16 8 70
79 Sport TREATED 16 12 85
80 Sport TREATED 16 16 70
81 Corneliu TREATED 17 2 45
82 Corneliu TREATED 17 4 60
83 Corneliu TREATED 17 8 65
84 Corneliu TREATED 17 12 65
85 Corneliu TREATED 17 16 70
86 Duncan TREATED 18 2 65
87 Duncan TREATED 18 4 55
88 Duncan TREATED 18 8 55
89 Duncan TREATED 18 12 80
90 Duncan TREATED 18 16 75

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

The FREQ Procedure

The FREQ Procedure

Table time * treatment

Cross-Tabular Freq Table

Table of time by treatment
time treatment

Table monkey

One-Way Frequencies

monkey Frequency Percent Cumulative
Alf 5 5.56 5 5.56
Allen 5 5.56 10 11.11
Andy 5 5.56 15 16.67
Chak 5 5.56 20 22.22
Chim 5 5.56 25 27.78
Corneliu 5 5.56 30 33.33
Duncan 5 5.56 35 38.89
Edy 5 5.56 40 44.44
Irv 5 5.56 45 50.00
Jessie 5 5.56 50 55.56
Joey 5 5.56 55 61.11
Junior 5 5.56 60 66.67
Just 5 5.56 65 72.22
Phil 5 5.56 70 77.78
Poe 5 5.56 75 83.33
Poet 5 5.56 80 88.89
Spank 5 5.56 85 94.44
Sport 5 5.56 90 100.00

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Unstructured Covariance Matrix

The Mixed Procedure

The MIXED Procedure

Model Information

Model Information
Dependent Variable score
Covariance Structure Unstructured
Subject Effect id
Estimation Method REML
Residual Variance Method None
Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based
Degrees of Freedom Method Between-Within

Class Level Information

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
time 5 2 4 8 12 16


Covariance Parameters 15
Columns in X 18
Columns in Z 0
Subjects 18
Max Obs per Subject 5

Number of Observations

Number of Observations
Number of Observations Read 90
Number of Observations Used 90
Number of Observations Not Used 0

Iteration History

Iteration History
Iteration Evaluations -2 Res Log Like Criterion
0 1 615.76098645  
1 1 606.99648116 0.00000000

Convergence Status

Convergence criteria met.

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1
Row Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
1 109.62 1.1972 -0.2638 5.6006 24.5739
2 1.1972 80.2354 -12.8856 -20.9010 -17.3295
3 -0.2638 -12.8856 102.76 18.9326 -16.3352
4 5.6006 -20.9010 18.9326 97.5649 46.4489
5 24.5739 -17.3295 -16.3352 46.4489 101.14

Covariance Parameter Estimates

Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Subject Estimate Alpha Lower Upper
UN(1,1) id 109.62 0.05 60.8034 253.91
UN(2,1) id 1.1972 0.05 -44.7594 47.1539
UN(2,2) id 80.2354 0.05 44.5051 185.85
UN(3,1) id -0.2638 0.05 -52.2685 51.7409
UN(3,2) id -12.8856 0.05 -57.8234 32.0523
UN(3,3) id 102.76 0.05 56.9990 238.02
UN(4,1) id 5.6006 0.05 -45.1466 56.3479
UN(4,2) id -20.9010 0.05 -65.4471 23.6451
UN(4,3) id 18.9326 0.05 -30.9989 68.8641
UN(4,4) id 97.5649 0.05 54.1175 225.99
UN(5,1) id 24.5739 0.05 -28.4048 77.5525
UN(5,2) id -17.3295 0.05 -62.2781 27.6190
UN(5,3) id -16.3352 0.05 -66.9245 34.2540
UN(5,4) id 46.4489 0.05 -7.2825 100.18
UN(5,5) id 101.14 0.05 56.0985 234.26

Fit Statistics

Fit Statistics
-2 Res Log Likelihood 607.0
AIC (Smaller is Better) 637.0
AICC (Smaller is Better) 644.5
BIC (Smaller is Better) 650.4

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test
DF Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
14 8.76 0.8458

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 16 8.08 0.0118
time 4 16 0.76 0.5655
treatment*time 4 16 5.07 0.0078

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Ordinary 2-way

The GLM Procedure

The GLM Procedure


Class Levels

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
time 5 2 4 8 12 16

Number of Observations

Number of Observations Read 90
Number of Observations Used 90

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Ordinary 2-way

The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: score

Analysis of Variance


Overall ANOVA

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 9 3254.51659 361.61295 3.68 0.0007
Error 80 7861.03896 98.26299    
Corrected Total 89 11115.55556      

Fit Statistics

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE score Mean
0.292789 14.41275 9.912769 68.77778

Type I Model ANOVA

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 887.503608 887.503608 9.03 0.0035
time 4 135.000000 33.750000 0.34 0.8478
time*treatment 4 2232.012987 558.003247 5.68 0.0004

Type III Model ANOVA

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 887.503608 887.503608 9.03 0.0035
time 4 375.346320 93.836580 0.95 0.4369
time*treatment 4 2232.012987 558.003247 5.68 0.0004

Interaction Plot

Interaction Plot for score by time

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Compound Symmetry

The Mixed Procedure

The MIXED Procedure

Model Information

Model Information
Dependent Variable score
Covariance Structure Compound Symmetry
Subject Effect id
Estimation Method REML
Residual Variance Method Profile
Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based
Degrees of Freedom Method Between-Within

Class Level Information

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
time 5 2 4 8 12 16


Covariance Parameters 2
Columns in X 18
Columns in Z 0
Subjects 18
Max Obs per Subject 5

Number of Observations

Number of Observations
Number of Observations Read 90
Number of Observations Used 90
Number of Observations Not Used 0

Iteration History

Iteration History
Iteration Evaluations -2 Res Log Like Criterion
0 1 615.76098645  
1 1 615.62879226 0.00000000

Convergence Status

Convergence criteria met.

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1

Estimated R Matrix for Subject 1
Row Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
1 98.2630 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038
2 2.9038 98.2630 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038
3 2.9038 2.9038 98.2630 2.9038 2.9038
4 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 98.2630 2.9038
5 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 2.9038 98.2630

Covariance Parameter Estimates

Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Subject Estimate Alpha Lower Upper
CS id 2.9038 0.05 -13.6961 19.5038
Residual   95.3592 0.05 69.3489 139.41

Fit Statistics

Fit Statistics
-2 Res Log Likelihood 615.6
AIC (Smaller is Better) 619.6
AICC (Smaller is Better) 619.8
BIC (Smaller is Better) 621.4

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test

Null Model Likelihood Ratio Test
DF Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
1 0.13 0.7162

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 16 8.08 0.0118
time 4 64 0.98 0.4227
treatment*time 4 64 5.85 0.0004

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Compound Symmetry

The GLM Procedure

The GLM Procedure


Class Levels

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values

Number of Observations

Number of Observations Read 18
Number of Observations Used 18

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Compound Symmetry

The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: twovs16

Analysis of Variance


Overall ANOVA

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 1 787.896825 787.896825 4.88 0.0422
Error 16 2585.714286 161.607143    
Corrected Total 17 3373.611111      

Fit Statistics

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE twovs16 Mean
0.233547 4576.493 12.71248 0.277778

Type I Model ANOVA

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 787.8968254 787.8968254 4.88 0.0422

Type III Model ANOVA

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 787.8968254 787.8968254 4.88 0.0422

Box Plot

Fit Plot for twovs16 by treatment

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Classical (Same results as CS)

The GLM Procedure

The GLM Procedure


Class Levels

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
time 5 2 4 8 12 16
monkey 18 Alf Allen Andy Chak Chim Corneliu Duncan Edy Irv Jessie Joey Junior Just Phil Poe Poet Spank Sport

Number of Observations

Number of Observations Read 90
Number of Observations Used 90

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Classical (Same results as CS)

The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: score

Analysis of Variance


Overall ANOVA

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 25 5012.56854 200.50274 2.10 0.0090
Error 64 6102.98701 95.35917    
Corrected Total 89 11115.55556      

Fit Statistics

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE score Mean
0.450951 14.19819 9.765202 68.77778

Type I Model ANOVA

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 887.503608 887.503608 9.31 0.0033
time 4 135.000000 33.750000 0.35 0.8404
treatment*time 4 2232.012987 558.003247 5.85 0.0004
monkey(treatment) 16 1758.051948 109.878247 1.15 0.3299

Type III Model ANOVA

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
treatment 1 887.503608 887.503608 9.31 0.0033
time 4 375.346320 93.836580 0.98 0.4227
treatment*time 4 2232.012987 558.003247 5.85 0.0004
monkey(treatment) 16 1758.051948 109.878247 1.15 0.3299

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Classical (Same results as CS)

The GLM Procedure

Random Effects Analysis

Model Expected Mean Squares

Source Type III Expected Mean Square
treatment Var(Error) + 5 Var(monkey(treatment)) + Q(treatment,treatment*time)
time Var(Error) + Q(time,treatment*time)
treatment*time Var(Error) + Q(treatment*time)
monkey(treatment) Var(Error) + 5 Var(monkey(treatment))

Primate hippocampal function: Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990

Covariance Structure approach to repeated measures (within-cases)

Classical (Same results as CS)

The GLM Procedure

Tests of Hypotheses for Mixed Model Analysis of Variance

Dependent Variable: score


Type III Model ANOVA

  Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Error: MS(monkey(treatment))
* This test assumes one or more other fixed effects are zero.
* treatment 1 887.503608 887.503608 8.08 0.0118
  Error 16 1758.051948 109.878247    

Type III Model ANOVA

  Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
* This test assumes one or more other fixed effects are zero.
* time 4 375.346320 93.836580 0.98 0.4227
  treatment*time 4 2232.012987 558.003247 5.85 0.0004
  monkey(treatment) 16 1758.051948 109.878247 1.15 0.3299
  Error: MS(Error) 64 6102.987013 95.359172