STA 402S98 Assignment 6: Quiz in tutorial March 6th

  1. First do problem 19.33. Note that because sample sizes are all equal, marginal means are means of cell means and the overall mean is the mean of marginal means. Repeatedly use the fact that the sum of Xi minus X-bar equals zero. To do this right, you will have to exchange order of summation several times, so don't lose those indices on the summation signs!
  2. Then use SAS proc glm to do problem 19.15. The complete data are available on the disk that came with your text book; the file name is CH19PR14.DAT. For your convenience, the data are also available here. You will have to do (a) and (e) by hand, using information from your printout.
  3. Read Chapter 20, skipping section 20.4. In this class, we will not do any Tukey tests for comparing factor level means by hand; we will use SAS or not do it at all. Also, notice that all the formulas for Scheffé and Bonferroni multiple comparisons in Ch. 20 are unnecessary. Your formulas from Ch. 17 (used in Test 1) are all you need. Make sure you understand this point.
  4. Do 20.2, 20.14, 20.15, 20.16.
  5. Use SAS to do problem 20.7 parts a through d; skip part e. You can just continue item 2 above and do it all in one big SAS job. You can get SAS to do most of the work by creating a combination variable and then using the estimate command in proc glm.

Please bring your unedited (except you can remove the ^L form feed symbols if you wish) log and list files to the quiz. You may write on the printouts, but only material related to items 2 and 5. If you write answers to any other problems on your printout, it is cheating and you will be prosecuted if you are caught.