Computer Hints

Links to Resources

Printing files at home: A convenient way to get a file to your home computer for printing is to email it to yourself. Try
       mail < fname
where is your email address and fname is the name of the file, like hw3.lst.

SSH (Secure Shell): With an Internet connection, SSH applications give you a text-only connection to fisher and other unix machines from your home computer. From fisher's unix prompt, you can run programs such as SAS, R, emacs and mathematica. SSH is  secure because what you type and see on your screen is encrypted at one end and decrypted at the other end. This prevents hackers from stealing your password as you log on, and also prevents nosy people from spying on the highly sensitive and confidential work you do in your Statistics courses.

Different SSH programs are recommended, depending on the operating system that you are using. To use these programs, you must be connected to the Internet, say with a broadband connnnection or via PPP over your phone line.

In any of these SSH programs, the first time you connect to a host, you will be told that the program can't verify that this host is really what it appears to be. Do you want to trust it? SSH is just being sanely paraniod. Say yes.

More Information about PuTTY:

The bare bones PuTTY you can download from this web page is so compact that you can copy it onto a floppy disk and run it directly from from the floppy on just about any PC without installing it. This is handy at Internet Cafés and on friends' computers.

Copy-paste: Suppose you want to transfer fairly small amounts of text between the unix machine and your PC. In a normal Windows application like Explorer or Word, the edit menu has Copy and Paste items -- or you can use control-C and control-V. But PuTTY has no menus, and Control-C and control-V don't do what you might expect, especially if emacs is running. But you can still copy-paste; here's how: