STA2112F - Mathematical Statistics I (Fall, 1999)

This course is designed for graduate students in Statistics and Biostatistics.

Content: Review of basic probability theory, distribution theory for normal samples, convergence of random variables, statistical models, sufficiency and ancillarity, statistical functionals, influence curves, maximum likelihood estimation, computational methods.

Instructor: Jerry Brunner (

Office Hours: Tuesday, Sid Smith 6022 (behind the mail room), 10:30-11:30 and 1-2.

Required Text: "Statistical Inference" by G. Casella and R. Berger, published by Wadsworth.

Texts on Reserve in the Math/Stat Library (Basement of Sidney Smith Hall):

Time and Place: Every Thursday from 9-12 a.m. in RW229

Prerequisites: Advanced calculus (eg. MAT239), linear algebra (eg. MAT223, MAT224), mathematical statistics (eg. STA257, STA261)

Evaluation: Mark will be based on weekly quizzes starting on Thursday Sept. 23d, and a final exam. Quizzes count for 70% and the final counts for 30%. Your lowest quiz mark will be dropped. No makeup quizzes will be given under any circumstances.

Quiz Marks 1-10

Assignments (Not to be handed in; do them in preparation for the quizzes)



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