
The time allotted for each student is 15 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.

General Guidelines

You will need to remind us about the project, but only tell us what we really need to know. We may be curious about the results, but they are not the purpose of this presentation. So, what should you include? We’re interested in what you learned in the context of your project that has made you a better applied statistician/data scientist. Depending on your project, you may want to address some of the following:

How your presentations will be evaluated?

Content [60%]

  • Is there evidence that you have thought deeply and insightfully about your project and what you have learned from it?
  • Is the content interesting and relevant?

Clarity [30%]

  • Could the points of your presentation be easily understood by your classmates?
  • Are you organized?
  • By listening to your presentation, have your classmates had the opportunity to also learn what you learned?

Delivery [10%]

  • Was everything that you said easy to hear?
  • Was your presentation style engaging?